Hi all,
last November we purchased off plan, a 3 bed 2 bath duplex penthouse in block 3 phase 2, at the time we were informed by the sales manager, a Ms Shirin Shirifi, that these apartments would have a full length pitch type wooden ceiling in the lounge,and the upstair would be open plan affair ( ie. mezzernine effect ). When we visited the apartment last week, we were stunned to find that the developer has altered these plans,without informing us, they have done away with the open plan effect and the wood ceiling .When i questioned the new sales rep from viva, she wasn´t able to tell me when or why these changes took place. I then visited viva´s head office and complained to the new development sales manager, who at this moment is looking into the problem. Can any other buyer on phase 2 shed any light on the matter ? have other buyers been informed of the changes to their apartments ? Ms Shirifi has stated that she cannot recall telling us about the mezzernine effect, but she is aware of the change to the ceilings, but when these changes were made i am still trying to find out. All info will be most welcome.
many thanks
Mike Pearson.