Bar Wars Has Started!

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The Comments
07 Jul 2013 10:53 AM by faulky444 Star rating in Rossendale, Lancashi.... 399 forum posts Send private message

I went down to the Al Kazar last night primarily to see the CAS band who were due to perform live at the Clover. If you have never seen them, they are a must see act as you will not see finer live music for free anywhere. It was a market night and the place was buzzing and for the first time for me as I have not attended one of the festivals, the Al Kazar was as near to what it was designed to be as is possible and it had the makings of a fantastic night.

All the businesses were full and hundreds of people were outside the restaurants and bars enjoying the warm weather and ambiance. It was almost a party atmosphere.

The CAS were setting up outside the Clover right next to the Bulgarian restaurant which had a Bee Gees tribute act currently performing, also outside. All the patrons for both the Bulgarian and the Clover were on the terrace and hardly anyone was inside the premises and we were all rather enjoying the Bee Gees as they were quite good even if a bit of a karaoke act.

I thought how brilliant, the Bees Gees doing their session leading up to the CAS band, we are having a treat. About 10.30pm the Bees Gees finished, or so I thought. The CAS band started their session and after 3 songs were just getting into their stride when after song 3 and before song 4 the Bee Gees started up again. You could cut the atmosphere with a knife. The CAS band walked off and there was some stern looking faces at the outside bar of the CLover and some harsh words looked as thought they were being exchanged between a certain proprietor and the band.

I was disappointed and wanted to hear the CAS band and I think most people at that point expected the same. My initial impression was that we had all just got caught up in a bar warfare tactic and for a few minutes, it spoilt the evening for me.

However, the Bee Gees now really got going and people started to drift over to the area where they were playing and started to dance to Night Fever, one of my wife's favourites. As I drunk more cold beer I started to really enjoy them. The CAS band sat patiently for over another hour until around 11.30pm the Bee Gees reluctantly stopped and the CAS then started their set for another hour and a half. Brilliant as usual and to be honest the bars probably had an extended evening of considerable sales because of this situation.

It was funny in a way, but the tension and foul play tactics that are obviously being deployed by all parties in the Al Kazar were obvious for all to see. Peter Kay wrote a comedy script on ice cream wars in his home town of Bolton which was based on a true story and culminated in arrests! How long before we see that here as people were clearly not happy last night, watch this space.

Whatever role IRM or Millenuin have in the running of Al Kazar, it needs some sort of control as at the moment the businesses are pleasing themselves how to do it and adopting a style of organisation rather more at home in a Mafioso environment than a holiday resort in Spain.

To the businesses involved, we are now in the silly season with more than enough business to go round. For the benefit of the customers, work together then everybody wins and more people will want to come along to the Al Kazar and spend money and enjoy themselves without being caught up in Bar Wars.

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07 Jul 2013 11:21 AM by 2littletinkers Star rating in Naranjos 5. 549 forum posts Send private message

This message was last edited by 2littletinkers on 08/07/2013.


12 Months' Keyholding with weekly checks, just €99!!! Email

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07 Jul 2013 4:36 PM by waddle Star rating in Chesterfield & Los N.... 210 forum posts Send private message

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Same thing happened when we were out the other week, Cliff Richard at the Bulgarian v Elvis at the Clover

Even stranger when Cliff covered an Elvis number !

This could have the makings of a new reality TV programme...

Russ & Louise Salud !

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07 Jul 2013 6:30 PM by faulky444 Star rating in Rossendale, Lancashi.... 399 forum posts Send private message

Can't wait for tonight,it's Shakira v Lilly Savage!

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08 Jul 2013 9:22 AM by frankNfurter Star rating. 21 forum posts Send private message

 Reply to 2littletinkers:

Maybe you should inform your audience that you are in the Condado Club's/Clover's payroll, what else can u say? As frequent user of Al Kasar I can only say that your comments are only too biased and untrue, why are you spreading this rumours? Stay at the Condado Club if you dont like the Al Kasar and stop this bullying campaign. 


This message was last edited by frankNfurter on 08/07/2013.

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08 Jul 2013 9:25 AM by BFR Star rating. 217 forum posts Send private message


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08 Jul 2013 9:25 AM by BFR Star rating. 217 forum posts Send private message


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08 Jul 2013 5:01 PM by 2littletinkers Star rating in Naranjos 5. 549 forum posts Send private message

This message was last edited by 2littletinkers on 08/07/2013.


12 Months' Keyholding with weekly checks, just €99!!! Email

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08 Jul 2013 6:29 PM by shampers Star rating in Warrington & Jardin .... 1057 forum posts Send private message

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 Get a grip everyone, we need to focus on the important things here .........

so who won between Shakira & Lily ?



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08 Jul 2013 7:29 PM by darren.wilkes Star rating in Bolton/Vegas. 747 forum posts Send private message

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I had a tenner on Savage in the Third Song!


Darren - Founder Member of the Half Empty Crew, Corvera Test Pilot, Winner of La Cata Raffle, Keyholder for the Football Pitches & NOT the Condado burglar!


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09 Jul 2013 10:13 AM by faulky444 Star rating in Rossendale, Lancashi.... 399 forum posts Send private message

Lilly didn't show up, or she was working behind the Clover bar!!

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09 Jul 2013 10:51 AM by Alhama Gardener Star rating in Preston and Jardines.... 119 forum posts Send private message

 I think it's a sad state of affairs that someone expressing a preference for the Condado Club (whether working there or not some people will prefer it!!) is vilified like's a shame these threads descend into attacks on people


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09 Jul 2013 1:30 PM by ilb2012 Star rating in manchester. 76 forum posts Send private message

If u carry on guys your gonna turn our resort into the next camposol. aka camparsehole. I think we should leave camp arsehole for the childish banter and enjoy what we av on Condado.


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09 Jul 2013 4:19 PM by 2littletinkers Star rating in Naranjos 5. 549 forum posts Send private message

Just to clarify that I am not on anyone's payroll. I PMd franknfurter to say lets meet for coffee and discuss this but surprisingly enough he/ she didnt have the manners to reply. I live here and have always tried to help anyone out....But will stick to FB from now on where there are no faceless trolls!! I removed my posts as I just couldnt be bothered with it!! My last post!!!


12 Months' Keyholding with weekly checks, just €99!!! Email

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09 Jul 2013 4:42 PM by Lynnp Star rating in Carshalton, Surrey, .... 267 forum posts Send private message

That's a shame as you have made so many informative posts about Condado. I do hope you reconsider and ignore some of the posts on here. You can pm me any time you want, but might have to wait until we come out in September!

Lynn (P1623)

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09 Jul 2013 5:51 PM by shampers Star rating in Warrington & Jardin .... 1057 forum posts Send private message

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 2LT - keep posting, don't let the trolls or differences of opinion get you down. I enjoy your posts, but i don't always agree with them , and that's how i prefer it, otherwise we'd be living in Utopia not CdA/UK.

As for Camposol, then i will defend that as well, I've met a number of very nice people on there and likewise i've met a few people i don't like on CdA (and some may say that about me - probably wound a few up in hindsight), but you can't like everyone or agree with everyone's views. Camposol has been good to us and continues to be so, so i will spend money over there as well




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09 Jul 2013 7:16 PM by faulky444 Star rating in Rossendale, Lancashi.... 399 forum posts Send private message

Yep, I agree with Shampers. I wouldn't buy on Camposol but I do like going there and it was a life saver in the early days for us settlers who weren't spoilt for choice like the newbies these days. Horses for courses but there is a place for Camposolians and I go walking regularly with a group from there and they are a great bunch of people.

CDA was intended to be a different kettle of fish, but lately it is much more like Camposol than you might think, and probably the better for it.

As for 2LT, don't let them get the better of you, keep posting. JF

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12 Jul 2013 1:43 AM by Jay05 Star rating in We are in Los Naranj.... 1464 forum posts Send private message

Jay05´s avatar

Spot on Shampers!!

Shakira was the daddyO and she could sing too!!


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15 Jul 2013 10:30 PM by leigh_bristol Star rating in Bristol. 243 forum posts Send private message

leigh_bristol´s avatar

Hi all.

 Its me again  - the one that will not go away like a dog with a bone i know some people want me to disappear but Im not going to ! I have sent pms to people for a meeting and i have put postson here but no one is interested because the people running the place are not IRM or Mileniun -  it is one or two businesses  taking control,  you can all clearly see it now with the bands seeing who can make it to top dog they will not work together for the good of al kasars they are  just doing it for themselves stopping other businesses  opening up and letting the place go forward yes it is hard in the winter so you have got make what you can in the summer but if they helped each other out more and stopped stabbing each other in the back then it will be better for US ALL   and by the way i am over there next week so  if any of you do want  this meeting let me know I have got emails to back it up if you want to see them


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21 Jul 2013 9:51 AM by clairehdp Star rating in Surrey, UK and Dubai.... 215 forum posts Send private message

We were at la cata the other evening and a really good singer started up in between the new American diner and la cata so everyone in both restaurants benefitted. It worked fantastically well. How crazy for the Bulgarian and the clover to mess up. Why they couldn't do the same is beyond me. book a band to play in between the 2 restaurants they would save so much money and both reap the benefits together. And more importantly surely is that you wouldn't piss off your customers too!

This message was last edited by clairehdp on 21/07/2013.

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