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Does anyone else have problems with power tripping? If I have the oven on and either the dishwasher of the washing machine on the power trips all the time and its driving me nuts! If anyone else has had this problem have you got a fix please! I can't use the oven and 2 of the hob rings at the same time either with out a total blackout. Any suggestions gratefully received! Thanks
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Is this a recent problem ?
Back at the start of CdA some of the fuses / fuse wire or whatever it is that measures the 'load' were set too low so a number of people had to have them replaced - was a common story back on here in late 2008 as people were completing.
Job for an electrician by the sounds of it.
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You should be able to use oven and all 4 hobs at same time? and boil a kettle, what you can not do unless you upgrade the main breaker (which will increase your Electric charges) is have every thing on Wash Machine Dishwasher, plus Cooker and air con etc.
Sounds to me like the breaker for your cooker is the wrong amperage mine is marked "horno" and is a C25 you may have a C15?
If thats the case you will need an Electrician to change it, if that is not the case there may be a fault which will certainly need checking.
I got too old soon, and too late smart !
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Thanks for the replies and pms on this. I had an electrician look at it today and when the oven is on and all 4 hobs on it trips the icp - not the horno which is a c25 so I need to speak to millennium to see what they can do about this as its driving me nuts. The icp unit is sealed so I'm not going to tinker with it and get it done properly the icp is c15 so I think should be higher. Thanks again everyone for taking the time to reply.
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Claire, As mgk says the main incoming breaker is too small. Think of it like this. If something heats or uses heat to cool (fridge) then it would usually be 13 amps minimum. So oven + hob + w/m on will trip a C16 as the load is too great. if you think about it it will trip when the heating mode is on for w/m etc. Surprised you have not noticed before now unless you are a new owner. In UK most breakers tend to be 'B' type but with air-con etc this can cause nuisance tripping hence why they use 'C' rated. Can the spark who looked at it not do it or are they not able to issue 'bulletins?' SD 😎
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Thanks guys I nw definitely need o get the icp changed to 25c Suntannedude - it's happened since we moved in but we've never relly stayed for very long periods and were eating out quite a bit so wasn't a huge issue but nw I'm here longer and longer and cooking a bit more its starting to really annoy me. Millennium have said they can send someone out to take a look but t will be 15 euros call out and then iberdola will probably be the people ot come to do it. Those people who have had the icp changed - who did you get to do it? Do I need to get iberdola in? Would love to get ths sorted ASAP so we can cook in the light! Any help with who o do it would be appreciated and ball park costs too please!
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Hi Claire
James is also a qualified electrian who lives on Condado and he sorted our problem when our electrics kept tripping, his tel is 0034673576441. He's very honest and reasonably priced.
Good luck
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HI. we had the same problem at the begining of the year and got an electricion who recommended that the removal the ovens hot plate amp would solve the problem.....Prob Solved..!! It cost about 20euro.
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Many thanks to everyone James has sorted out the problem so we can now cook on more than one hob and have the oven on without being plunged into darkness. This forum is so good when you have a problem and need it sorted out. Great local recommendations.
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Hi Claire
I'm glad that you got the problem sorted, James has been a god send to us with our electrics.
I agree that this forum can work really well when people try to help each other, but unfortunately some posters do seem to go off course which is why many people including myself do not comment very often.
Let's hope that things go back to helping each other out, after all we all want to enjoy our time at Condado and make new friends.
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