When the plans changed (Brisas Del Mar)

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Angel de Miraflores forum threads
The Comments
18 Sep 2006 12:00 AM by Raging Bull Star rating. 3 forum posts Send private message

For those prepared to stick with current situation regardless of the fact that their  has been no Bank Guarantee to protect puchasers as per Spanish  Law and there is still no LFO - good luck. 

For those who are seriously interested in joining together as a group and going to Court ,please contact e-mail address leonato@btinternet.com  with details of which block bought how long situation has been ongoing etc.

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18 Sep 2006 6:49 PM by DJS Star rating. 16 forum posts Send private message

Dear Raging Bull

Would be very interested in joining together and going to court.

We purchased the apartment for the prospect to rent, We feel that we have lost at least two years of  income, We are seeking legal advise at the moment and will have more information in two weeks time. What are your main points for taking them to court ?

Will wait to read your reply 


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20 Sep 2006 9:57 PM by caz Star rating. 5 forum posts Send private message

There are lots of people that have completed on the complex mostly Spanish and they are confident we have done the right thing completing. Most who have completed are joining together to denounce Aifos in the criminal court which apparently is easier than taking civil action. Aifos probably has more money than all of us put together so the more people who pursue a joint action the better chance we have. Unfortunately I had to come home before there could be a meeting but will be back in December. If you haven't already taken action yourself by then  I will let you know on this site of any progress.

                                                     Regards Caz

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21 Sep 2006 11:22 AM by abevel Star rating. 6 forum posts Send private message

As Caz said the best chance is joint together to denounce Aifos. Most of us had a meeting with a lawyer from Marbella and probably we will meet soon. The lawyers are JESUS y MAURICIO CAPEL and telephone number 661271732 if you want contact with them for more information.



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25 Sep 2006 12:06 PM by Raging Bull Star rating. 3 forum posts Send private message

To all who have posted - thanks for your input. 
I am not sure what you hope to achieve by denouncing Aifos - all I want is my money back and never to set foot on the Costa del Sol again.

They have not delivered what was proposed in their plans
Apartments up to 30% smaller in size.
Only one pool instead of two (why the community would want to pay again for this is beyond me!)

From the informtion available by people with more experience than me on these forums, it would appear  that to complete without the LFO is certainly not a good idea.

Caz and Ana - I agree that a group is more powerful.  Has anyone got info on what individuals are looking at with respect to costs and can those who do not want to complete be included in this action to recover their money paid out to date?

DJS -  2 years lost rent is a valid reason plus the other 2 mentioned above. Who did you purhcase from - was it Ocean View and have you had any communication from them as they are very difficult to pin down.  Would be interested to hear an update on your legal  advice. Is it from the UK or Spain?

Sorry -  lots of questions .Would appreciate any updates on this thread

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27 Sep 2006 5:08 PM by jenni Star rating. 7 forum posts Send private message

Has anyone looked at Aifos home page - you will see that they are selling apartments at Angel de Miraflores ( pictures included which are definitely the ones in Riviera del Sol) which they say are in Mijas  !!!!!!!!  What the hell is going on here and has anyone yet completed with GVA in apartment 7???I am getting sick and tired of being fobbed off by these lawyers saying that Aifos are only completing 10 apartments every 15 days,  what sort of company works like this and are we ever going to get the keys to the property on which we put our life savings!!!!

I don't know if we can take much more of this and what on earth can we do about it from over here.  Not all of us can just drop everything to sort this out.


Keith & Jenni

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27 Sep 2006 5:39 PM by heslop Star rating. 5 forum posts Send private message


I completed in August - block 2. Not with GVA  I hasten to add. My lawyer confirmed that Aifos were only releasing @10apts. per week due to not wanting large numbers of people moving in on the same day. How true this is i do not know !!!  We did push our lawyer to get a completion date as we would have had no where to stay in August. On Aifos web page, if you go into the description of Angel de Miraflores it does state that it is on the Riviera del Sol and lists main amenities. 

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08 Oct 2006 8:30 PM by DJS Star rating. 16 forum posts Send private message

We have just come back from Mirafloras, we have been advised by a solicitor that it is better to sue as a group for any compensation. As we can gather most people are seeking compensation for smaller apartments and missing bathrooms. Is anyone considering trying to get compensation for development running over time stated in our contracts and for loss of rental income? We have read that some people have gone to JESUS y MAURICIO CAPEL can anyone enlighten us on the complaint that they are dealing with? We did speak to GV&A who are also getting together complaints for smaller apartments and missing bathrooms. surely it would be better if we all collaborated with the same lawyers , so anyone with information about what complaint each lawyer is dealing with could they please post it on this site for all to see.



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18 Oct 2006 3:51 PM by DeeDee Star rating. 4 forum posts Send private message

Hi all, We have lived here in Spain for a year and have recently (June) completed on our apartment in block 6. It took some weeks to prepare and we've had five weeks of rentals since we put it on with www.holidayrentals.co.uk property number 14258 on 7th August. Anyone hoping to make their fortune from rentals, take heed. Their are far more properties to rent than there are people wanting to rent. More supply than demand. Of course if you are clever with your advertising, take nice pictures and don't ask a fortune in rent, you will get the punters.

Our lawyer assures us that completing on our apartment was the correct thing to do. All the necessary licenses will be forthcoming.

As for taking Aifos to court for loss of rentals, I cannot see a favourable outcome. (It sounds even funnier in Spanish). However, if anyone has actually lost cash to people like Oceanview then take heart. We successfully threatened (through another litigator) to take a large firm of lawyers to court for losing out on a property purchase which they assured us was going ahead. We went to visit the property only to find that others had moved in. The lawyers settled out of court for all the monies paid to them and over 90% of the appreciation value! So, not all bad news. Incidentlly, I have a floor plan of block 6 second floor which I was given in 2001 which clearly shows that apartment J has three bedrooms and only ONE bathroom. 

Also, to clear up the question of geography, Miraflores and Riviera del Sol are two adjoining urbanisations of roughly equal size. However, I am assured by Oliver at Viva Estates that the name Riviera del Sol is also given to an area that includes both of them plus Calypso and Calahonda! And as if that were not enough Mijas Costa is the coastal area which extends from south of Calahonda to Fuengirola (and maybe even beyond)    

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