Hi Gazzap,
We were in a position to pay our final payment at the notary ages ago!!( 2010 ish) but our eagle-eyed Solicitor( power of attorney) noticed that Procobar had secured a loan against our property and had not repaid it. He refused to sign the paperwork until they did so. A further later meeting with the Notary proved to be a waste of time because Procobar still hadn't repaid the loan (105000 euros!!) so we were forced to cancel the contract and Court action followed. Our Solicitor has placed a charge on three of Procobar properties which happened to be free of debt and the case went to Court. Like most , the case was found in our favour and we were granted our money back plus interest. This happened at the beginning of 2012. To date we have received nothing.
According to our Solicitor, The primary creditors are the workers, the suppliers, those with first charges against assets, then the banks ( who forced the bancruptcy)
Supposedly we are in a position to get our/some of our money back but close on two years later we a nowhwere
My only relief is that we could have bought the property ( for cash) and have been hit with a 105000 euro debt to the bank!!!
I wonder if there are any others who are in the same situation or who actually signed on the dotted line and are now in the sxxte!!
Dunno about you but communication with my Solicitor is verrrry difficult and the only information I seem to have is the the Spanish Legal system is verrrrrrrrrrrrrry slow and a law unto itself.
What say you?