The Comments |
Hi. We are hopeing to bring our goddaughter out to Condado during the fist weeks of July but are concerned that she might be bored though I expect she will visit Meta a few times during her stay.
Will there be any other young people over @ that time.
Jan xx
This message was last edited by hamibabe on 07/01/2014.
West Mids & Jardin 5
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Hi Jan,
Our 14 year old daughter will be over with us then and she will be in the same boat as your god daughter as we are there for the month.
Maybe nearer the time you can PM me and we can see what we can sort out? By then she may also have be out of her teenage strop 
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Hi Scott
Thank you for your reply. Chloe had said she only wanted to stay for a week & return home with her mom rather than stay the two weeks with us. Maye she will change her mind now.
Yes we must get in touch nearer the date & anyone else who has youngsters looking for holiday mates
This message was last edited by hamibabe on 08/01/2014.
West Mids & Jardin 5
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Hi jan, I'm over with my godchild (16 and shy) and a cousin(14 and shy too) for July and August. Maybe they like to meet up?
_______________________ Apartment 4 Rent @
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Hi Tashajohn
Chloe will be just short of 16 in July I am going to contact Scott just prior to our holiday to arrange for us to meet up. Hopefully you & your youngsters can meet with us too.
Jan xx
West Mids & Jardin 5
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Hi Guys & Galls
I am sorry but Chloe has chosen not to go out to Condado now, She is still of the opinion that she will find it to quiet. Though knowing teenagers she may change her mind. Not sure what we will do about that as I have just paid for our flights. Hopefully Scott you & Tasha can get intouch & your youngsters can meet up.
Have a great holiday
Jan x
West Mids & Jardin 5
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