Regular Community Events on Condado

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The Comments
05 Feb 2014 9:09 AM by underpar Star rating. 139 forum posts Send private message

Going to try to summarise the community events that regularly happen during the week pretty much year round. If I've missed any please post or message me and I will add them to the first post.


Golf Society (tee-times start around 9am to 10am) - winning cards announced at Pro Shop after final group in.

Ladies Walking group - 10:30am from Al Kasar car park

Ladies Coffee Morning - 11:30am at Al Kasar




Golf Society (tee-times start around 9am to 10am with winning cards announced at Pro Shop after final group in) & a group travel to play one of the other IRM courses.

Ladies Walking group - 10am from Al Kasar car park

Ladies Coffee Morning - 11am at Al Kasar

Spanish Lessons - Noon at Big Gs in the Al Kasar

Golf Society evening meet at The Clover 7pm to 8pm - last time to enter the main Friday comp


Swimming Group - 1:45pm from Al Kasar car park - at Alhama's heated pool near Mercadona


Golf Society (tee-times start around 9am to 10am) - presentation in Clover usually around 6pm onwards

Ladies Walking group - 10:30am? from Al Kasar car park


Football Club - 10am to Noon - free - Condado Club - ages 6+

Kids Sports Club - 10:30am to Noon - free - Condado Club - ages 7+


Football Club - 10am to Noon - free - Condado Club - ages 6+


+ The Ladies Coffee Morning group also organise adhoc trips.

+ The regular bus services to the markets at Murcia and Alhama and to the Port should resume soon.


This message was last edited by underpar on 06/02/2014.

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07 Feb 2014 8:28 AM by underpar Star rating. 139 forum posts Send private message

Weekly update from the Ladies Group:

Our agenda for the next week:

Monday 10th Feb. 10.30 Hours walk plus the Leisurely Ladies Walk......

Monday 10th Feb. 11.30 Coffee Morning....At Big G's. We are going to be showing you how to use Facebook safely and how to use your settings! We have information on non residence tax that I think will be very helpful and easy to follow. Phone instructions how you can phone and text each other free of charge!! using What's upp. if you have a certain type of phone!

Wednesday 12th Feb. Totana Market Open to all on Condado. Pick up time for the bus is 10.30 returning 3.30-4pm approx.

Thursday 13th Feb. Swimming at Alhama heated pool pick up time 1.45 at Al Kasar, cars to be arranged for transport.

Friday 14th Feb. The Big Outer Walk 10.30 am. plus the Leisurely Ladies Walk too!
Friday 14th Feb. Spanish for Beginners 12-1pm at Big G's.

Please click on the post concerning the Carnival day out as we need to know how many people to book the bus for.

Mariposa Bridge Walk 23rd March is booked.....
They call it the Dinosaurs footprint walk as the footprint is right beside the rope bridge, it is a far easier walk than last time as it is pretty much flat, around an hour there and back, plus the time looking at the footprint etc, the bridge is the turnaround point so if people do not want to cross it then they do not need to!!!

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07 Feb 2014 5:24 PM by Lisinopril Star rating in Condado De Alhama. 197 forum posts Send private message

For local events see

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