The Comments |
Having looked @ the web site I cannot see any reference to a brothel. All I have found is that some one is suggesting a place for gay men & women to meet.
I have no qualms with gay people meeting up on Condado as long as they live or are renting on Condado. Maybe they would consider opening a gay bar on Condado, there are plenty of empty units. Many years ago when I was a young woman, my friends & I often went for drinks in a local Gay Bar & made friends with quite a few young men there. As a young woman excepting a lift from a Gay man was great as I always felt relaxed & not worried that he was going to try to get into my knickers.
This message was last edited by hamibabe on 01/04/2014.
West Mids & Jardin 5
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This is the translation of the write up I found
GAYS ONTACTS COUNTY Alhama: Dating gay alhama County. Woman seeking alhama County. Ads with pictures of gay couples seeking alhama County. Meet people, dating, dating or just friendship with a gay man alhama County.
I read it as being a dating site for gay people to meet up.
West Mids & Jardin 5
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What you read was headline of the page not the add you need to click the add and it will take you in and you see this is not an add for tea and chats..... Someone back me up on this please....
This message was last edited by Anthonydm on 02/04/2014.
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I think any business on Condado should be encouraged!
I dont play football, but I am not offended by the reopening of the football pitches, likewise I dont frequent gay brothels, but I am not offended if one opens. Maybe they chose Condado, because of all those pretty flowers planted on the roundabouts?
P.S - What were you typing into Google to "Stumble" upon "Gay Escorts Near Condado".... Protesting too much??
More importantly - When and where is the BBQ that you refer to in your headline..........I AM OUTRAGED!
This message was last edited by darren.wilkes on 02/04/2014.
Darren - Founder Member of the Half Empty Crew, Corvera Test Pilot, Winner of La Cata Raffle, Keyholder for the Football Pitches & NOT the Condado burglar!
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A brothel you say INTERESTING. My mum lives on the main road in and out of Cardiff but just around the corner is Angels brothel - it has added to the colour of the neighbourhood and her rates have gone up considerably!! Maybe this is the answer to the value of our properties rising back to what we paid for them in the first place instead of Paramount.
Now folks I never go on Eye on Spain to make any comments the last time I did was to tell people I had my washing machine nicked and someone wanted to know in no uncertain terms what I was accusing them of. That's all I wanted was some tea and sympathy so please take my comments about very lightheatedly.
Jan I have quite a few gay friends and yes you always feel safe with them - about the knickers though sometimes they wanted them to wear themselves ooooeeeeerrrrrrr!!
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Hi Jeremy
Your last line has bought a smile to my face. I thought only Darren was able to do that.
Thank you
This message was last edited by hamibabe on 02/04/2014.
West Mids & Jardin 5
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Hi. Yes I do have children though adults now & hope to have grandchildren in the future.
I understand your concerns but we have strangers on Condado all of the time.
I doubt if you know everyone on Condado. We don`t, so every new face is a stranger.
What do you mean by your post "sums up all anyone needs to know about you." I am a stranger to you. you do not know me & I do not know you, however I would not dream of pretending I do know you just from a comment you have made on EOS.
I am probably a dam sight older than you & believe in tollerance. I am neither homophobic or racist.
I buy the Big Issue because I believe that homelessness can happen to anyone or their child. I buy coffee or tea for tramps though I am sure they would prefere something stronger, thankfully there are very few around now
I am not a saint or a goody goody but I believe in people and their right to live as they see fit & as long as they do not cause ham to others..
I believe we should be aware of the enviroment we live in either in the UK or in Spain & I also believe that we should respect the Spanish culture & the way of life. I do not want to be what is concidered as a typical Brit. Only wanting to eat english food & drink in english pubs, though if that is what people want to do then I have no qualms about that either ( Each to their own) & I do want to strive to speak to the Spanish people in their own language. Oh & to learn how to spell. So hopefully now you know what I am like. Well just a little bit.
Do NOT presume you know me when you clearly do not
This message was last edited by hamibabe on 02/04/2014.
West Mids & Jardin 5
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Nice one Chaddy
I can not spell @ all, I am useless.. It was a mistake but I am sure Ham will be delighted to think I have him on my mind all of the time
West Mids & Jardin 5
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Jan, Regarding the spelling, you could be likened to Einstein compared to some of the morons that post on our forum !!!! Regards,
( & Jackie if it's not controversial !! ).
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Hi Jan
It wasn't Jeremy who put the thread on it was me his wife Jane and I want you to know everytime a read your threads I think you are pretty amazing so there.
Jeremy has just got in for some dinner and is hyperventilating over a brothel on Condado sadly I have had to bring him back to earth. 
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Aparantly its going to be called "The 19th Hole" its only 80 Euros per session (No consessions for pensioners I am afraid!). I am not sure if that is competitive in the current market place, but its a lot less that I would want for performing similar acts!
I would want at least 85 Euros and someone to cuddle me afterwards.
This may also give a boost to existing business on Condado, as they may call for a pint or two before or after their appointment? Maybe even call in Anthonys New Chippy to grab a sausage!
I also heard in the Clover that they are opening a terrorist training camp near Jardine 5, burying Plutonium on the waste land at the side of the golf courses and opening a Paramount Theme Park nearby. However you cant believe all you hear in a pub!
This message was last edited by darren.wilkes on 02/04/2014.
This message was last edited by darren.wilkes on 02/04/2014.
Darren - Founder Member of the Half Empty Crew, Corvera Test Pilot, Winner of La Cata Raffle, Keyholder for the Football Pitches & NOT the Condado burglar!
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Don't think that tolerance and not being homophobic have much to do with the services that they are offering out of their apartment in the Jardines. Actually take a look at the photos they have posted on :-
Doesn't need much to see what services they are offering. Are you really happy if this is on your garden? Glad it's not on my garden!!
This message was last edited by Lisinopril on 02/04/2014.
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