Hi, there is a daily rate of 5 euro, weekly rate of 20, fortnightly 25 euro and monthly 30 Euro. It is open Monday to Saturday 0800-2200 and Sundays 1000-1700. It is self managing, where the key is kept in Condado Club bar if not open. payment and registration is also made there.
it utilises 2 rooms, the cardio room has 6 bikes, a rowingmachine, 2 treadmills, an eliptical trainer, and 1 martial arts bag. The weights room has a cable machine, a Smith machine, 2 squat racks, a peck deck, dumbbells - 2.5kgs to 30 kgs, with 1 x 40 kg weight. It also has olympic weights - 440 kgs with 3 20 kg olympic bars, standard weights with 3 bars, 340 kgs of weights, floor area for ab work and leg machine.
it is found at the Condado Club, between Jardines 5 and 7, hope this helps
for further information email condadogym@gmail.com