Flat purchasing process @Condado

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26 Sep 2014 2:28 PM by MPA Star rating. 14 forum posts Send private message

Is anyone out there that is also on the process of buying a flat @Condado? How is it going? Care to share your insights?




We are purchasing one from Banco Popular, via one local agency, but when we started in May and have been said by our agent that in July we should have our keys, then in July he said August... we didnt hear from him until we contact him end of august. Then the promise moved to second week of September, then to this week and until now we havent heard anything... I guess is moving into October.

The stress point is that we have to go after the agent otherwise we get no updates. All the excitement of buying a property is gone into distress, falses promises and lack of information. 

We have 2 couple of friends looking for properties in Spain, and at first we thought on telling them to consider Condado, but after all this we already told them to stay away from agencies that work in Condado...  is just sad that our once good feeling is being killed like this... 

how is your process?



UK - Man












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26 Sep 2014 10:09 PM by hamibabe Star rating in West Mids. 1317 forum posts Send private message

My Advice would be to look @ buying an apartment on Condado  via one of the two estate agents on site. Both are very reliable & have good reputations. I am surprised that it is taking so long for your purchase of an apartment to go through. Have you seen the property you want to purchase or are you relying on your agent.

We have friends who recently bought on Condado. They first visited in May & purchased in a very short time. Also an aquantance of my husband bought in August, Again it only took a short time for the whole process to go through, once they had their finances in order. Both have bought two bed Naranjos apartments on Condado and used the on site agents. Both couples said how impressed they were of both agents.

Best of luck.

Personaly I would get rid of your agent but thats just my opinion



This message was last edited by hamibabe on 26/09/2014.


West Mids & Jardin 5

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26 Sep 2014 10:56 PM by IanandMel Star rating. 27 forum posts Send private message

Hi there we brought through Julio @ blu med invest in the port the process was a little bit longer than we thought but I would highly recommend him 

Also I have heard from many people that Andy from condado invest is very good and reliable and the only agent on site that is worth giving your business to 

Hope this helps 



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29 Sep 2014 2:08 PM by MPA Star rating. 14 forum posts Send private message

Hi Jan,

We have also followed advise at the beginning and got a local agent... this is the agent that actually is not helping us much, and lacking big time on information and consideration with us customers. 

I'm trying now to get in touch directly with the bank, and see what they say. Maybe I get a better update. 

My husband and I are really upset at this moment. We just feel completely negleted. We spent our summer holidays at home here in UK believing on what the agent was saying, expecting to fly at any moment, really frustating... 

Let's see how it goes! I heard Banco Popular has its own agency, maybe worth a try!

thanks for the update y'all.

and hopefully we see each other soon @ Condado...




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29 Sep 2014 3:54 PM by charliedog98 Star rating. 13 forum posts Send private message


We are in the process of buying via an agent, our mortgage is Banco Popular, we intially visited and decided on a property in May and transferred a deposit 1st June. We were more or less told that completition before August couldn't be guaranteed and unlikely but things would pick back up in September. We had flights booked August prior to buying so decided to cut them short to a week to allow us to have holidays to hopefully complete Sept.

We had our valuation done about 2.5 weeks ago and I chased them up again Friday gone only to be told they have no news. I agree it's really, really, frustrating, we were hoping to be out October kids holidays having 2 children but the closer we get the more the flights are going up and selling out!!


We used Condado Invest and Andy/Sara there have both been really good it's the lack of information and the slowness from the banks that is the most frustrating. From what I've read once you get a completition date you need to wait about 2 weeks to get your utilities switched on - not good!!

We just keep telling ourselves that it really will be worth it when it's all sorted but I totally agree it's bloody frustrating.

The agents claim to be onto the bank every day so not sure they can do much else and we have progressed a little with the valuation.


I think the properties that are going through fast are cash buyers, our agent also said that the bank seems to be pushing resales through first too.

Sorry I'm not much help we are more or less in the same situation as you!


Take Care,




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29 Sep 2014 7:47 PM by CondadoInvest Star rating in Condado de Alhama. 21 forum posts Send private message

Hi Charliedog and everybody in this post.

It is true, at Condado Invest we do actually contact the bank every day via email and make a point of personally visiting at least twice a week to keep them pushing forward.

It can be an incredibly frustrating process, especially with Banco Popular.

The banks really are a law unto themselves. The redeeming factor is that it is an exceptionally good deal with the best finance offer available and worth the wait in the end.

So please bear with us and your respective agents, we are all frustrated with the timing and lack of information from the banks. We all keep pushing for you as best we can.


Condado Invest.

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30 Sep 2014 3:22 PM by Cool2000 Star rating. 10 forum posts Send private message

Hi MPA. I can only understand your frustation. I was talking to my dad other day who also has friends on the process of buying their flat at Condado. They said to my dad that the level of stress of not getting an update from the agent is so high that they were considering start over with another agents outside condado network. They are already seeking legal advise concerning their deposit. I hope all turns out good to you and that soon you can enjoy with your family your corner at Condado.


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30 Sep 2014 7:05 PM by dandc Star rating in Worsley Greater Manc.... 44 forum posts Send private message

Hi all

       Its not the agents causing the problems ,we bought with Condado invest Dec2011 it took 4 weeks to go through.Sabadell bank.

Condado Invest top class very professional.

Dave C


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30 Sep 2014 8:51 PM by hamibabe Star rating in West Mids. 1317 forum posts Send private message

Just be aware that the summer holidays do cause delays but honestly I really dont believe it is the agents fault. It really is down to the banks.

REMEMBER you are buying in Spain. A totally different attitude to everything. They are far more relaxed & layed back than us brits. Just learn to chill. Afterall Manyana is a way of life in Spain.

Hope all goes well for everyone, but just chill, the Spanish are not as rush orientated as us & I think its a much better attitude even though it takes some time to get into the same mind frame.




This message was last edited by hamibabe on 30/09/2014.


West Mids & Jardin 5

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30 Sep 2014 10:10 PM by MPA Star rating. 14 forum posts Send private message

Hi Dave and Jan,

I do understand the delay is not caused by the agents, but the lack of professionalism is. My biggest issue is not having a word from the agent for weeks. We never know whether they are working on the case or not. and when we do get some answers, is totally out of reality, making even a bigger mess with our plans. This is really, really, really frustating. 



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30 Sep 2014 10:22 PM by Cool2000 Star rating. 10 forum posts Send private message

I received from a friend a post published on Independent's website. (details on: IndependentDOTcoDOTuk and search for: look-before-you-leap-into-a-cheap-spanish-property-deal-7856333)

According to the article, these are the right representatives of bank's repossessed homes. My dad's friends are looking into it too. I hope it helps for future reference, anything new I post it here for all. 

wish luck and success for all. 


La Caixa bank is selling properties on Servihabitat

Banco Sabadell is selling via Solvia

Banco Popular has Gesa Aliseda 

Bankia's repossessed property at BankiaHabitat.

Santander is Altamira


This message was last edited by Cool2000 on 30/09/2014.

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06 Oct 2014 8:05 PM by sfsecure Star rating. 4 forum posts Send private message

We are buying our apartment through Condado Invest, who are on site and I can't recommend them highly enough. Andy and Sara have been nothing but professional and nothing was a bother for them. We paid our deposit on 6/8/14 and are closing this week. I think the key is, when paperwork is requested by the bank, you need to fill it in correctly and return on the same day.  As soon as we got an e mail requesting forms to be filled in or a request for further documentation we got them back to them on the same day.  Everything has gone extremely smoothly. Looking forward now to getting the place all decked out for the holidays next year.


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06 Oct 2014 9:57 PM by MPA Star rating. 14 forum posts Send private message

Hi sfsecure,

Be happy. It seems we are one of the few lucky ones who had some success with local agents @condado. I'm still suffering with mine.

enjoy condado!



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07 Oct 2014 9:07 AM by charliedog98 Star rating. 13 forum posts Send private message



Do you have a completion date yet? We are still waiting on one and I have to say the most frustrating thing is lack of info and seeing others with the same agent go through within a matter of weeks, you'd think things would be worked on in order of deposit paid but when then I've read loads of people that put deposits down in August (shutdown?!?!) and have since completed. Of course I don't begrudge these people at all, it's not their fault, it's just a shame some of us seem to have been waiting months and there is no real system of how the banks are working through applications or there is a system and we are not aware of it.

Maybe those that have applied for full finance have been delayed more than those putting in more cash? Could it be down to the actual property? It would be good to understand as it's so hard to believe the banks have no system of processing and just pluck applications as and when they like.

Hopefully things will get movong soon for the rest of us and yep I don't doubt once it happens it will be worth it but as others have mentioned the time between now and then is stressful and is kinda taking the shine off things.


Take Care,








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07 Oct 2014 9:51 AM by CondadoInvest Star rating in Condado de Alhama. 21 forum posts Send private message

Sfsecure, thanks for the kind comments, it is always appreciated, but for the sake of the buyers with Banco Popular, I need to clarify that sfsecure is purchasing with Sabadell / Solvia not with Banco Popular.

We enjoy a much smoother process with Sabadell / Solvia and this is the reason that sfsecures purchase process is a smoother process then the rest of the comments on this thread.

This thread is voicing frustrations at purchases on Los Naranjos via Banco Popular / Aliseda. As already mentioned on a previous reply, we all do our best but Banco Popular / Aliseda run on an extremely slow and frustrating framework. Nobody is being given preference above the other.

We give as much attention to a Banco Popular purchase process as we do a Sabadell purchase processes. The difference is that Sabadell frankly work in a speedier manner than Banco Popular.

I hope this clarifies things for now.


Condado Invest.


This message was last edited by CondadoInvest on 07/10/2014.

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07 Oct 2014 10:14 AM by charliedog98 Star rating. 13 forum posts Send private message

Thanks for the update Andy, maybe this has been the case for others that seem to be going through quicker (they are actually with Sabdell rather than BOP)

Without this information it was just a bit frustrating as I'm sure you can understand.


Take Care,



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07 Oct 2014 8:47 PM by MPA Star rating. 14 forum posts Send private message

no completion date as off now. the date given is already over 10 weeks overdue. 


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08 Oct 2014 8:37 AM by JulioBlueMedInvest Star rating. 1 forum posts Send private message

Dear Mpa,

after read the different comments on the Forum, I apologize if the level of service from us isn´t as expected as we have dealt with many customers on Condado and never had communication issues

We ring daily every Branch dealing with the different mortgages and visit at least once a week. We do send out the bank requirements and comments as soon as we receive them.

We also send out one email per week updating with the status.

As other agent has confirmed, the full finance deals with Banco Popular are being slower than were beggining of the year, we advice that these are taking between 4 to 5 months at this moment in time.

All agents working with banks work on sales results, so we are the first interested in having our clients completed, and suffer the delays in our own costs and issues.

As mentioned, for any further updates please feel free to email us direct or ring our offices.

It is an incredible Resort with amazing financial offer but the speed of completions depends only on the bank, we are sure this slowness will be solved shortly and benefit all us.



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08 Oct 2014 6:58 PM by IanandMel Star rating. 27 forum posts Send private message


stick with it as you will have no regrets buying on condado, as I said before on this issue we went with Julio at blu med and I believe he does everything in his power to push the process but you and him are in the hands of the banks and no-one can push them!!!!

As I said before your in good hands it's worth the wait 

Ian and Mel (blu med happy customers )

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08 Oct 2014 7:51 PM by MPA Star rating. 14 forum posts Send private message

Thanks Ian and Mel for the inputs. But my case is not Blue Meds hand... I might seek for a change then. :)

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