Thinking of buying...

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United Golf Resorts la Tercia forum threads
The Comments
24 Feb 2015 11:15 PM by HeatherG Star rating in Warrington. 31 forum posts Send private message

Hi All

I am thinking of buying an apartment at UGR, seen a very good deal (on the face of it) via a bank repossession. We need to come over and view and get a lawyer etc but just wondered if anyone had any tips/advice etc.

This is a first time overseas purchase.  The agent I've been speaking to seems to be trying to put me off and push me into coastal type properties, which I am not overly bothered about.

One question I had was around the community fees and how they are set. I suppose I am just anxious that they could increase significantly in the future.

Also where can I get information on the different phases etc? I've seen reference to different phases and property types within the forum.

Many thanks in advance for any help you can give 





This message was last edited by HeatherG on 25/02/2015.

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26 Feb 2015 1:06 PM by sox Star rating. 81 forum posts Send private message

The resort is not what it should have been, no shop, bar or golf course now, but it is an absolutely idyllic place and a wonderful community spirit amongst owners who try hard to make it so nice, the community fees vary on size of apartment and if you have a solarium etc, I dont think many are left for sale on phase 2 if that is where the banks where selling, so there are now a lot of owned properties, which can only be good for the resort.

I love my apartment here and for the prices now going would definitely recommend it, but its individual choice, if you want more personal info lease private message me, am willing to offer any help/experience.

good luck

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01 Mar 2015 12:34 PM by HeatherG Star rating in Warrington. 31 forum posts Send private message

Thanks for the replies and PMs. We're hoping to get out for a viewing in the next couple of weeks. Just hope there are some still available!! Wish us luck!

The resort looks stunning from the pictures. 

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