Is is possible that eventually enough information will become available online to render EOS redundant?

Dear Owner,
We are pleased to announce the opening of the new website of the ENTIDAD URBANÍSTICA DE CONSERVACIÓN (EUCC), although it is primarily intended for residents of RODA GOLF & BEACH RESORT, it is also open to the people interested in this beautiful urbanization and initiatives and events driven from within the EUCC.
If you own a property in this urbanization you can access the PRIVATE AREA. Go ahead and sign up as soon as possible!
The Board of EUCC has made great efforts to implement an information platform that would be attractive for the general public and where the owners of this urbanization will be able to find all the information related with the EUCC, such as Minutes, Budgets, Reconciliations, Debt Evolution and detailed reports on topics of common interest that will be published regularly in the private area of this web site.
Please apologize for any possible initial failure and for the lack of content at some sections. This is just the beginning and therefore we continue working to develop a web worthy of our great resort.
Kind Regards