Free bus

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01 Aug 2015 12:14 PM by MARGARET WILSON Star rating. 86 forum posts Send private message

just got the e-mail regarding the new free bus does anyone know where it goes? Tried to put the addresses into google maps but can't find some them. Is there a map available does anyone know.


This message was last edited by MARGARET WILSON on 01/08/2015.


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02 Aug 2015 8:18 AM by nigel188 Star rating in Estepona. 655 forum posts Send private message

Hi Margaret

I am also unable to locate this service usink the link below. Suggest to reply to the Email you received and ask for more details.


Good Luck




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03 Aug 2015 12:12 AM by MARGARET WILSON Star rating. 86 forum posts Send private message


    Have emailed Resortillia this is just a trial will keep you all informed when I hear back.




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03 Aug 2015 12:26 AM by hugh_man Star rating in Kent/Roda . 1593 forum posts Send private message

hugh_man´s avatar

There was no link supplied but the map of Roda stops plus timetable were included in the general email sent to all owners by Resortalia.



Estimado Propietario,


Le informamos de que, tal y como fue acordado en la Junta Trimestral celebrada el pasado 10/07/2015, la Entidad Urbanística va a poner en marcha un SERVICIO DE TRANSPORTE GRATUITO que comenzará el próximo lunes 3 de Agosto y tendrá una duración de dos semanas.


Este servicio se pone en marcha para favorecer el acceso a la playa, comercios, mercadillo y zonas de ocio del pueblo de Los Alcázares y será para uso exclusivo de los residentes de RODA GOLF cuyas viviendas estén al corriente de pago de sus cuotas.


Para poder hacer uso del autobús usted deberá llevar puesta su pulsera de las piscinas. Si su comunidad no tiene pulseras, deberá decirle al conductor cuál es su comunidad, el código de su vivienda y su nombre para que lo compruebe en la Lista de personas autorizadas.


Más abajo podrá encontrar un plano con la ubicación de las diferentes paradas dentro del resort, así como el horario de paso para cada una de las paradas.


Esperamos que lo disfruten,


Saludos cordiales,


Descripción: Descripción: cid:image001.png@01D0CAFD.397A7E10

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Dear owner,


May we inform you that, as agreed at the Quarterly meeting of the EUCC Board held on 10th July, the EUCC will put in place for two weeks starting next Monday 3rd of August a FREE BUS SERVICE


This service is thought to facilitate the access to the beach, commercial and leisure areas of Los Alcázares village and it will be for the exclusive use of the residents of the Resort, who are up to date with their Community & Entity fees


To be able to use this bus service, you must wear your pool wristbands. If your Community do not use this system, you should tell the bus driver your Community, the property code and you name in order to confirm that you are shown in the list of authorized owners. 

Please see above the plan of the Resort where the location of the bus stops have been pointed out as well as the bus Schedule.


We hope you enjoy it,


Kind regards,



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03 Aug 2015 12:37 AM by MARGARET WILSON Star rating. 86 forum posts Send private message

Hi hugh-man could see the pick up places on Roda but not the destinations. This could be an asset hope it is successful.




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03 Aug 2015 8:09 AM by hugh_man Star rating in Kent/Roda . 1593 forum posts Send private message

hugh_man´s avatar

Good point, perhaps they could have been more explicit to overseas visitors.

i think they assumed most owners would know The main stops at Mercadona and down to the Town Hall.

Resortalia will no doubt supply you with clearer information.

yes this could be a useful asset and again only open to fee payers and hopefully will be approved and possibly extended at the 2016 AGM as it will be either be funded from EUCC fees or could incur a small charge for users next year depending on views.

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03 Aug 2015 3:40 PM by hugh_man Star rating in Kent/Roda . 1593 forum posts Send private message

hugh_man´s avatar

I hope this helps and all owners will have seen this



Estimado Propietario,


Le recordamos que  la Entidad Urbanística ha puesto en marcha un SERVICIO DE TRANSPORTE GRATUITO que ha comenzado hoy y  tendrá una duración de dos semanas.


Este servicio se pone en marcha para favorecer el acceso a la playa, comercios, mercadillo y zonas de ocio del pueblo de Los Alcázares y será para uso exclusivo de los residentes de RODA GOLF cuyas viviendas estén al corriente de pago de sus cuotas.


Para poder hacer uso del autobús usted deberá llevar puesta su pulsera de las piscinas. Si usted es propietario de una villa o su comunidad no tiene pulseras, deberá decirle al conductor cuál es el código de su vivienda y su nombre para que lo compruebe en la Lista de personas autorizadas.


Adjunto encontrará plano con la ubicación de las diferentes paradas dentro y fuera del resort, así como el horario de paso para cada una de las paradas.


Esperamos que lo disfruten,


Saludos cordiales,




Dear owner,


May we remind you that,  the EUCC has put in place for two weeks starting today a FREE BUS SERVICE


This service is thought to facilitate the access to the beach, commercial and leisure areas of Los Alcázares village and it will be for the exclusive use of the residents of the Resort, who are up to date with their Community & Entity fees


To be able to use this bus service, you must wear your pool wristbands. If you are a Villa owner or your Community do not use this system, you should tell the bus driver the property code and you name in order to confirm that you are shown in the list of authorized owners. 


Please find attached  plan with the location of all bus stops, inside and outside the Resort, as well as the bus Schedule.


We hope you enjoy it,


Kind regards,



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Sabía que también le podemos ayudar con? Seguros, Certificados Eficiencia Energética, IRPF, y mucho más…


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Descripción: SIMBOLO RESORTALIA            Cristina Antón

Atención al Cliente

Resortalia SLP                                                              

Community Administration        

            Administración de fincas





Horario de atención al propietario: De lunes a viernes de 9 a.m. a 2 p.m.

Teléfono (0034) 968 10 47 10.; Fax (0034) 968 58 30 54

Customer Service Hours: Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Telephone (0034) 968 10 47 10; Fax (0034) 968 58 30 54



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13 Aug 2015 6:54 PM by sandrab Star rating in Bournemouth & La Ter.... 527 forum posts Send private message

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Just to clarify the bus may be free to use if you (and presumably your guests (renters) have paid your community fees up todate but I understand there is an eyewatering cost funded by the Entidad budget for the provision of this service - so really it is not "free" - us owners end up paying for it.   Not sure I approve of frivolous expenditure and I wonder what the justification is for this spend?  I am sure there are better things for the absolute benefit of owners that could be considered - like a reduction in fees perhaps?



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13 Aug 2015 8:51 PM by hugh_man Star rating in Kent/Roda . 1593 forum posts Send private message

hugh_man´s avatar

Good point Sandra, that is why it is only being trailed for 2 weeks during high season to get some idea of interest and use.

Any continuation of the scheme would have to be budgeted correctly and put before all owners at the 2016 AGM.

Similarities exist with the reopening of the sports facilities after their closure by Roda/Calidona as they also denied us free use of the Beach Club.

Costs of renovation of the facilities plus a short term rental contract have been taken by the EUCC on behalf of owners and guests, again to be discussed and approved at the AGM.


Costings of all projects can be supplied by Resortalia.

In the absence of any investment whatsoever from the developer, many owners believe the EUCC should take on certain roles maintaining resort facilities for the benefit of owners and guests.

It will be up to all owners to give their point of view at an AGM as always in Spain.

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15 Aug 2015 12:32 AM by MikeandHelen Star rating. 193 forum posts Send private message

The Bus service started a couple of weeks ago - just after the announcement was made and we saw if a few times when we were out there. 

Unsurprisingly it was empty every time we saw it! 

Perhaps it would have been better to give us notice that it would be running, and we could have told our renter that it would be available. 

I do know one family that were planning to use it to go into town, from their rental in Phase four. They had been told that a car wasn't necessary, there was a supermarket on site and they could use the beach club........ 

I see that there are still adverts and web sites that claim the beach club is for the use (and exclusive use) of Roda residents.

Whilst it's good to see the sports facilities are open and that a bus service is being trialled, communication with owners is still not as good as it should be.


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15 Aug 2015 12:43 AM by yeomans Star rating in We live in Leicester.... 152 forum posts Send private message

I think a shuttle bus service is a great idea.  But it doesn't necessarily have to be free if it is continued and the timetable could be adjusted according to the season/popularity.

Yvette and Dave

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15 Aug 2015 9:29 AM by sandrab Star rating in Bournemouth & La Ter.... 527 forum posts Send private message

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Precisely Dave and Yvette - why is it free?    






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15 Aug 2015 1:08 PM by newworld Star rating. 942 forum posts Send private message

These buses just don't work for me waste of money, back in the early days on the Polaris World resorts they would run this sort of service between the resorts, I think the idea was for the golfers, but most  of the time the bus would run empty,this went on for a couple of years, then like most things Polaris it stop, I would not like to think I was paying my community fees to run a empty bus that's for sure.

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15 Aug 2015 3:49 PM by Mrsubby Star rating. 75 forum posts Send private message

To be honest, I don't like paying for a "Free bus" for renters, we don't rent out our property, is for our own personal use.

Most of owners/ renters probably either own or rent a car whilst here.

Taxis are not exactly expensive either, if you don't want to to drive, ie out for a meal and a few drinks, they only cost around 5 or 6 euros to hotel 525 area (The square) although a little more on return, but dont break the bank.

The new taxi rank at the entrance of Roda has only just been set up, use it or lose it I think the motto is.

I would personally like to see the money spent elsewhere???

if not then support the local Spanish taxi firm, 

Why not subsidise the current Taxis, as mentioned, not expensive. Your not tied to particular times either.

It's  out of season things need to be subsidised, to encourage more vistors  in winter, although San Javier doesn't help matters. (Another topic)


This message was last edited by Mrsubby on 15/08/2015.

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15 Aug 2015 4:08 PM by yeomans Star rating in We live in Leicester.... 152 forum posts Send private message

It's a shame there isn't a service bus that goes by the entrance.  There is a bus stop further up the road in Roda Village but not sure how often they run.  Never actually seen one.

Yvette and Dave

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16 Aug 2015 1:22 AM by pommers Star rating in Almoradi, Spain. 606 forum posts Send private message

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We've been in our other apartment this weekend at the far end of Phase 3.

We used the 9pm bus on friday evening and there was very little checking of wristbands. By the end of phase 4 it was full - with people just flagging the bus down and not waiting at the pre-appointed stops. Meaning that phase 2 and 1 residents couldn't get on. And then 6 people proceeded to ask the driver to stop at the main gate so that they could then walk to the clubhouse to go and watch "Roda's Got Talent". Owners (not renters) - & a serious abuse imo.

We came back on the last bus from Mercadona at 23:15 and it was empty.

I think it's a good idea BUT . . . use and abuse needs to be sorted out if it is to run in the future.

As has been said, it's not "free" we as owners will have to pay and I would very much like to know how much it has cost. And the fact that it didn't run at 13:00 and 20:00 - which I would have thought would be be popular times is a nuisance.

Cheers Pommers

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16 Aug 2015 12:05 PM by sandrab Star rating in Bournemouth & La Ter.... 527 forum posts Send private message

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Although I always applaud initiative I really do think this idea has not been thought out properly.  A few years ago I will admit I had the 'bright/stupid' idea of running an in resort tuk tuk / 6 person golf buggy to take people round the resort to do exactly what you have described Pommers - transport to the club house, golf course et and the other facilities - paid of course!   But i was told there would be HUGE opposition from local taxi drivers and would have to get licences etc which might be impossible to obtain so I just didn't bother to put it forward.  But given that there appears to be support for an in resort service why not do a paid in resort transport service which ends up at the main gate where there is a taxi service or perhaps as mentioned by another poster request the local bus service to stop at the main gates and more frequently - surely everyone wins then but not at the expense of the owners who do pay their community fees!

This will be a topic for the next P11 AGM as well as the Entidad AGM I think as it is quite important that the management team who have been elected to represent owners interests are seen to utilise funds carefully.  




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16 Aug 2015 4:48 PM by pommers Star rating in Almoradi, Spain. 606 forum posts Send private message

pommers´s avatar

A paid for in resort service woule be fantastic.

It would also be great to support the local taxi firm - but that's tricky from the far end of Phase 3 (especially if you have a gammy knee like I do).

It's easy to get from Phase 1 & 2 to get a taxi but a VERY long hike from the 1st green - which is where our 2nd apartment is located. I enjoy going out in the evening into LA but will not drive if I am having a drink. So this would be a real bonus.

But I suspect it would die very quickly. A lot of folk on Roda don't seem to want to pay for things but will use "free" even though they have indirectly paid for it.



This message was last edited by pommers on 16/08/2015.

Cheers Pommers

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16 Aug 2015 6:52 PM by hugh_man Star rating in Kent/Roda . 1593 forum posts Send private message

hugh_man´s avatar

Some very valid points made on here, but with all due respect decisions on buses and sports facilities will all eventually be discussed and made at an EUCC AGM.

i can only repeat that in the complete absence on any investment from the developer, Calidona and lack of funds at the Town Hall, the Board have felt they can take on more responsibility than they are supposed to by attempting to put in place some of the facilities originally promised to all buyers.

These include new TV contracts, improving Entidad garden areas, planting up Town Hall owned plots around the exterior of the resort road, ensuring promised sport facilities are still provided and maintained for owners and visitors and helping to put on what is slowly becoming a very popular August Fiesta week.

In other words, attempting to ensure the resort has some of the facilities offered and that the resort is well maintained and marketed.

The current deal on the bus and the sports facilities are both very short term and experimental, to gauge interest and demand and will only be finalised after discussions at an AGM as always happens in Spain.

An eventual charge for any bus service would of course be necessary as is a charge for using the sports facilities.

No one would expect all owners to contribute unlimited funds to facilities they do not use, but surely offering decent facilities and well maintained gardens, encourages renters, visitors and new buyers into Roda.

No, correspondence is not great, though we do normally get Weekly Reports on the resort, but asking owners what they want and conducting surveys, is not a way of life accepted in Spain and it will take a long time to change and will only happen when enough owners air their views in the correct forums.

I can assure everyone, encouraging change can be a soul destroying  process here.

Sadly very few Presidents or EUCC Board members read or like the EOS Forums and the promised new EUCC website is taking forever to produce for owners use.

Lets try though to offer positive ideas in the right places rather than just complain about the incentives being considered.

As has been suggested, all these things take time, planning and thought, any volunteers to set up a project management think tank?

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16 Aug 2015 7:43 PM by sandrab Star rating in Bournemouth & La Ter.... 527 forum posts Send private message

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Hi Hugh_man

You know I have a great deal of respect for you and your wisdom.  Enough soft soap now!

But, as a sub-community President on another resort and a member of the General Community management teamI , I write regularly to the owners I represent seeking their views which I can take forward to the monthy management team meetings which I attend either personally or by skype conference.  I write regularly to the owners I represent seeking their input on decisions.

It would seem to me that whenever I have written to my President on Phase 1 I am met with derision - for example - his decision to erect a water feature of dubious aspect and then telling me that it was approved by the majority at the AGM when it was not even ont he agenda and those handing over proxies by default without knowledge approving expenditure.  Not a good situation.

So, it is with this situation - the Entidad Board are representing owners and they need to consult to get views BEFORE decisions of this nature and expense are taken on their behalf.  The only way I can get my views taken seriously now is to make them public on this forum - my particular President thinks any views are criticisms rather than views so I have given up with him!  

So, my hand is up to be a member of a think tank project team - definitely!  I look forward to hearing more about that in due course.

Best wishes as always



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