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Hello, went out in Feb this year posted photo of earth works, anyone got any other updates on progress, has the roundabout been finished? Is any works been started either on med. lands or MM2?
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I was out at MM2 2 weeks ago and I can confirm that that roundabout on the main road near the entrance to the project was there and working fine - what a relief! Also groundworks have started in the area. Trenches dug out and stuff like that but nothing sticking out of the ground yet!
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I was out there in May and can report the same situation as Jamie.
My information is that completion has slipped to "early" 2009.
I spoke with a customer services rep. who is buying on Med. Lands so at least there is some confidence being shown by a PW employee!
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i have just returned from spain. mm2 is way behind. there is evidence of some leveling of groundwork and a trench partly excivated for services but that is it! there are no workmen or building machinery or even materials onsite. i was told by the sales rep in the office at mm 2 that it will be at least another 2 years before completion. when i consider that i was told initially the completion would be dec 06 , and the lack of movement right now i do not believe for a second that mm2 will be finished in two years time. while i was there i asked for a current availabilty of properties on mm2 and it seems that there are many still available. when you consider this it would make good bissness sense for plaris to stall on beginning the building phase ,after all they are only contract bound to complete within 18 months when they have begun actual building work to your property. all in all i am feeling alot cheated by polaris at the moment, tas i'm sure many others are to.
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i have had a bungalow reserved at mm2 since the first release and have pretty much had enough now. my spanish solicitor informs me that polaris stil haven't got final approval for construction but they hope to have so in three months time. well! how many times i'm i going to here this!! even if they do it will be at least towards the end of 2009 before there is any hope of completion. for those of you that have bank guarantees you probably are not aware that it will take 9 to 12 months(thats spanish months!) to go through the legal battle. i wasn't until i asked my solicitor to get my money back. if you decide to trust polaris with there new forcast but in a year still no movement then it will still take another year to get your money back.
you would think that seeing as this mess was all caused by polaris and the fact that they have been selling plots with no building consent that they would spare you the process of legal action! i did.... but was wrong!
however they were kind enough to allow me to switch my detached villa from mm2 to a attached apartment on one of two other developments that had already completed. these being in locations that i do not want and seems neither do many others and iwould have to pay the new price now and not the price i reserved about 3 years ago with 80k of my money.
i know investments are always a risk, and this is a big one! think i've lost enough already!
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Hola. Soy compradora de apartamenton en MM2.
recientemente he estado en el ayuntamiento de Torrepacheco. Me han dicho que esperan dar la licencia de obras en un plazo de 15-20 dias.
También he visitado las instalaciones de PW y allí me han dicho que van a intentar acelerar el proceso de construccion de las viviendas he intentar entregarlas en el primer semestre de 2009.
Espero que esta informacion les sea de ayuda. Animo a todos
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Hi everyone
Just come back from a short trip.
Had a look at Mar Menor II site and no real progress from when I went out there in February. Did speak to an English guy at he Polaris World offices. He was confident work was very close to starting. Seemed to think could even be this month.
Better news on my other property at Terrazas . Construction has started there. You would think after all the delays and flak Polaris would at least inform us of the start.. but no.
I am now more confident building on Mar Menor is very close to starting.
Alan and Tina
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Copied below is an e-mail received today
From: Ana Belen Fernández Carballido []
Sent: 25 October 2007 11:13
Subject: Mar MenorII
Hello there¡¡
Good news: Polaris got the Building licence for Mar Menor II today¡¡¡
The construction will start in the next few days.
Ana Belén Fdez. Carballido
BranchManager - Directora de oficina
Avda. Comunidad Valenciana, 5
(cruce Avda. Europa), local 20, Residencial Cibeles
03503 Benidorm. Alicante, Spain
Tel. 00 34 902 500 245
Mov 00 34 659 640 325
Fax 00 34 902 500 262
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Cant wait to exchange emails and true updates on construction progress. Thanks for posting, fingers crossed the info is correct and we see the bulldozers on site very soon.
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Glad to here someone else has the news about MM2 starting, we went to Customer Services 3 weeks ago and was told it was about to start
then last week they called to say this week for sure.
We are now living in Spain the last 6 weeks and are just on the other side of Murcia up in the hills.
So we are intending to go down for a look maybe next week, I will take photos and post them for ALL TO SEE,
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Promises, promises but no delivery. My latest info is that license for urbanisation in place but not building license. Yesterday PW cust services said start of urbanisation next week. PW took a beating on BBC watchdog last night, pity about all the money they are wasting on ITV ads
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I live in Murcia and I bought I house in Mediterranean Lands (which is goint to be built at the same time as MM2) and I go by almost every other weekend. Last saturday I went pass and nothing has been done yet. It all looks the same as in February 2007. If they start doing anything at all I will take pictures and post them on the web but so far it those not look like they are going to start.
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Went over to MM2 yesterday to see if the stories are correct about work starting...,
There was 1 bulldozer moving earth and a couple of lorries and another digger on site, along with quite a few Porto-cabins and some piles of pipes.
I am not sure whither this constitutes Polaris Worlds idea of the building work starting, but at least something seems to be going on.., which is more than
it appeared 5 weeks ago when I last went down.
At that time the earth which had been moved previously last year was over grown with grass, now appears to have been cleared again. The Porto-cabins are back on site once again so lets hope they don`t decide to stop again and pull everybody back off .
I have posted what photos I could manage to get, access was harder this time as they have closed off the area`s which we managed to drive right through the last time.
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Hello Octojan
Thanks for taking time to go check out whats happening. Something is happening thats for sure, maybe not actual building, but I for one am happy with a step forward as oppose to backwards. I see this as a positive move and statement from PW that MMGR 2 will happen one day.
For those of you who post negative responses about the delays, a friend of mine has just taken ownership of her flat in Leeds, some 15 months later than contracted, Delays happen in all countries. But the best things come to those who wait!
Thanks for the photos too Ocotojan, its very helpful to get a clear picture of whats going on. x
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Spoke to Customer Services last Friday night and they confirmed that crane bases are going in and they expect to carry on from there. As they say seeing is believing !!
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Hello All
New here but not to Polaris and have experienced the same frustrations as everyone it seems. However, I called customer services today and they tell me that:
Urbanisation licence is through and work has started on this - seems to be consistent with what has been posted before;
Building licence still not approved but they are getting a special licence which means they can start (imited) building before the full licence (if that makes sense!);
They are putting a lot of effort into getting the work done as quickly as possible and therefore completion is expected by January 2009.
Seems positive but who knows.
Any visible progress Janice?
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