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Hello everyone. I hope someone can help. It is such a long time since I was on this forum. My husband, Bob, and I put a deposit down on two properties. Luckily I never got as far as paying the 30% deposit so I only have about £5000 to claim back.
We sold our hotel business in Torquay (some of you came to stay for a great weekend) in 2009 and matters got put to one side. My husband then became ill and sadly passed away in 2012. I have been trying to rebuild my life and have moved to Bristol. I am going through paperwork and came across the Santa Ana del Monte stuff.
One of the properties was being purchased through Amba Sun and the other through Equity Property Portfolios. I am not sure either company still operates. There was some correspondence from Herrada del Tollo (which was in Spanish and I couldn't understand it) but again, I am not sure they still exist.
Can anyone advise me who I should contact regarding claiming my money back, if indeed I can. Many thanks.
Jackie Richards
This message was last edited by BobandJackie on 28/03/2016.
_______________________ Jackie and Bob R10, 650
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Jackie I think the only way foreward for you is to go through a solicitor ,which i am afraid will cost you money?I dont know what your owed so I dont know if it would be worth your while .We can give you the name of the one we are useing if you want it but there are others advertising on the forum. Sorry to hear about your loss,we did meet you once we were one of the couples who came that weekend and stayed with you ,all of our plans have changed since then some more than others . Sorry cant be of more help . Barry &Mags
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Yes, I remember you Barry and Mags. Thank you for replying. I have been contacted by a solicitor who seems to think that the small amount is not a problem. is the firm. What is the usual fee (I presume it is a percentage)?
_______________________ Jackie and Bob R10, 650
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Lets say you get the court in your favour, you will be looking at 5000 plus interest at 6% a year (approx 300 x 7) 4200 = 9200 (from what I can experience as cases completed) maximum
The lawyer costs will probably be around 4500 pounds to the end of a first instance sentence.
If you get costs awarded its well worth it, if not it's a lot of heartache for not much reward because.....
An appeal by the bank after first instance can double the costs, so carefully discuss it with a lawyer (ask cost luz they give good information and tell it like it is).
Best wishes, Brian
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Hi Jackie let us know what you decide to do would be interested to know Mag and I are waiting to hear from our solicitor to see where we are going as far as our claim is going ,owing to our own personal problems we have now only just taking action against the bank so we shall see?
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Hi Jackie,
We applied and sucssefully won our case against the banks and have received our deposit back just a few months ago,and are in the process of waiting for the final payments due to us. We were also victims of San Jose /Herrado Del Tollo.. We used GM Legal Experts and Guadalupe handeled our case for us. We found them excellent and have been informed every step of the way..They have been very sucsseful in several other cases too. And moreover, not a rip off!!!
If you want the contact details I have them.

_______________________ Sterling
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Hi Jackie
We too were successful in getting our deposit back, and paid into our bank account in April 2015 !
We used a Spanish Lawyer, Martin De La Herran of Abolex Abogados, whom I have to say, did an excellent job.
We were made aware, however, that the banks have appealed, ( as they have in the majority of cases I believe ? ), and this now has to go through the Supreme Court, ( many have already, and been thrown out !! ).
We are awaiting this decision in our own case, and then we should hopefully get our interest payment too ?
If you need any info regarding our Spanish Lawyer, then please don't hesitate to ask ?
Kind regards
Barry & Sue
_______________________ Baz & Sue R10 - 36
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Hi Barry and sue
can I ask please.
The law suit is three different judgements, deposit, costs and interest.
You mention getting the deposit back, great. The bank appeal interest, they should lose that appeal according to recent events in Supreme Court.
So how well informed are you by Abolex, did you get judgement on all three things and get your costs back? what's your expectations about how much an appeal will cost etc.
Best wishes, Brian
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Main stream media in UK reporting on this now - the avalanche of claims should start to begin
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Barry 210357
Where you mentioned that many cases have been" thrown out " were you referring to clients' cases going to SC being thrown out by the SC, or Bank appeals?
Do you know the grounds upon which they were "thrown out" by the SC? Does this infer that SC rulings have not been given the opportunity to be further clarified and established as doctrine?
Any news on SC doctrine would be most appreciated.
Good luck with your ongoing case.
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