2 Lawyers so far and neither can be bothered - any ideas?

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07 Oct 2019 9:51 AM by sdboyle Star rating in Lancashire. 13 forum posts Send private message

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we registered our claim for our deposit and responded to a lawyer contacting us to take up our case to recover our money. Unfortunately, as we only kept the physical paperwork for 7 years we didn't have anything other than some emails relating to our deposit. We passed these to our lawyer and, despite chasing, they simply didn't reply.

We were then contacted by another legal company who subsequently confirmed that they had found information regarding our deposit but then wrote to us and said the amount was too small for them to be bothered with! Our deposit was for 3000euros which is admittedly smaller than most people but still large enough for it to be worth recovering - especially as we're not working currently so the money would be very useful.

So, we're wondering what we can do next? Obviously there are some records of our deposit but are all lawyers simply not going to be bothered because the sum is too low or because we no longer have physical paperwork?

Is anyone else in a similar situation? Does anyone know of a lawyer who actually has the integrity to follow through on chasing this for us?

Can anyone give us any advice please?


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07 Oct 2019 3:11 PM by Legend Star rating. 56 forum posts Send private message

Sorry to say forget it 

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