HDT Website ?

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18 Mar 2010 12:00 AM by broph Star rating. 147 forum posts Send private message

Has anyone found a link to HDT website that was supposed to be on-line this evening ? Likewise has anyone received any letter from HDT yet ?  


Regards Ken & Philomena

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18 Mar 2010 11:02 PM by joanniemac Star rating. 241 forum posts Send private message

Hi, Just another broken promise from this bunch of crooks! I don`t think anyone in their right mind needs anymore proof as to this companies ethics or scruples, they have none. This will be the way we will be treated for the next 4-5 years while waiting on our money, broken promises, missed deadlines, and still no cash at the end of it. Cheers Joanniemac

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26 Mar 2010 11:43 PM by broph Star rating. 147 forum posts Send private message

No Website !, No Letter !, No house ! , = No Suprises ! 

We have not received any letter or access to website as expected from recent posts.  

We did not receive a bank guarantee despite your companies promises that we would way back in 2006 .

Ok, so I may be struck off this website for saying what I feel,  however ,

Almudena,  I curse you and every member of your your family. that you may suffer ill healh and misery which no amount of money can buy you relief. 

You have brought nothing short of despair and false hope to people who trusted your words and you are still perpetuating deceit !. 


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27 Mar 2010 4:49 PM by TonyMal Star rating in Oxfordshire. 1090 forum posts Send private message

Hi All,

 The SARC website has been updated and the weblink is now functional to the HdT website. As was stated to our members and also why we posted reports on the forum, our webmaster has been ill. He is fully recovered and worked on the site to ensure that it is all functional in time for the receipt of purchasers individual letters and their own personal log in codes.



Tony R17 18

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07 Apr 2010 1:20 AM by broph Star rating. 147 forum posts Send private message

Ok it's now 07th April and guess what, we have not received any communication from HDT. How many others are still waiting ?

Even at this late stage, I was mindlessly optimistic that HDT had got some of their act together.

No, as usual they dont have the capacity to deliver even a letter. They couldn't lie straight in bed !!

As for the so called proposal, how can anyone believe they are ever going to deliver.  A refund of 65 per cent over 5 years on deposits paid. 


Regards Ken & Philomena



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10 Apr 2010 2:54 PM by sdboyle Star rating in Lancashire. 13 forum posts Send private message

sdboyle´s avatar

We received a letter but we simply don't have enough time to get an apostille signed & returned to their offices by 5th May regardless of the cost - even if we wanted to.

They say that "unless we achieve a sufficient number of votes, the Company will be liquidated".

We'd already written off our 'investment' so anything we get back will be a bonus whatever the route.

We hope everyone gets at least something out of all of this.

Best wishes

S & S R10 193

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