The Comments |
Thanks for posting this. I started a thread called 2009 Commitment, which I have copied and pasted below. The petition you mentioned is in section g below. It's not too late for anybody who hasn't already signed it to do so. Please click on the link and do it NOW - before you forget!
If anybody is in the mood for a good fight, I have taken the message below from the thread with the above title (i.e. 2009 Commitment) , started by Ruth on the General Forum.
"You ask how you can help. This is what I said in my original posting:
a) if you have not already sent a petition of your own to the Petitions Committee in the EP that you do that asap.
b) write to ALL the MEPs in your area – this would support my blanket mailing - and to your MP to make them aware of your situation. Only one letter needs to be written and that copied to them all. Those of you who have done this in the past please send a follow-up letter to update them (and not let them off the hook).
c) visit your MP at his/her next surgery and ask them to support you in an individual protest letter – look them firmly in the eye. We put them there to do this kind of thing for us!
d) write to the Spanish Ombudsman.
e) write to the Spanish Bar Association. Ilustre Colegio de Abogados (branches in each province) or directly to the President of the CGPJ - Consejo General del Poder Judicial (The General Council of the Judiciary)
f) write to or ring your local newspaper and get a story printed. Don’t be shy.
g) make sure you have signed the Spanish Property Scandal Petition and, where it’s appropriate, the petition to the Governor of the Bank of Spain.
h) attend protests where it’s physically possible to do and cheer on by email where you can’t.
I’m sure you have more ideas and suggestions that you can make so lets put our heads together so that we can bang the drum and make as much noise as possible.
We need a flood of mail and a tide of publicity.
We need to keep up the pressure.
We need to stand by each other. >>
Whichever action(s) you choose to take will add to the groundswell of protest this month. Let's see how far we can get in one big concerted effort.
Keep on trucking!
Sue Walker
Author of "Retiring the Ole Way", now available on Amazon
See my blog about our life in Spain:
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So it is Sue, silly me! it was late and i had come across it on the net and did not bother to check your post again
I thought it may have been a different one
Keep up the good work, you are all doing great but i don't hold out any hope of getting the money back, hope i am wrong!
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Hi All, nice to see some postive comments and suggestions recently.
I will sign anything that will help me feel like i am doing something , cos i am really feeling p****ed off today.
Waiting for the judge to make his decision is driving mark and I up the wall!
I wish the administrators and the Judge would just decide one way or the other so at least we all knew where we stand.
This hanging around feeling helpless is just too much.
We want our money back and for the San Jose and herrada del tollo to be held to account for all they have done !
OK rant over, i feel much better now!
_______________________ Vicki
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Anyone around who hasnt got this web site?............may be covering old ground here but its worth a look for everyone.
Some usefull stuff on
Best wishes, Brian
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Got that Chrisse,
Just signed the petition. I was number 199, we will need far more to make any impact though - probably 100's of 1000's!! - think there's a cake decoration somewhere here : - )
_______________________ All the best,
Nigel & Jo.
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I hope you got sorted out with a good lawyer that is the most important thing. It seems they are all going around things in a different way.
You can get some good info from the General Forums. Generally speaking none of us are enjoying the ride. We are all feeling very badly let down. Spain is not doing itself any favours at the moment and I can see they are going to take a major nose dive in the amount of brits holidaying there and buying there but what comes around goes around. 
Keep posting and I am sure that if you have any questions this is the place to be.
Regards Chrissie 
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Hi Chrissie, Hi Sue,
Still here watching and waiting patiently ............but like everyone else, getting really fed up with it all.
Well done for finding the possibility of some added support. I signed the petition just now.
Chins up
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Just Posted this on the San Jose in Liquidation forum thread, but thought I would post hear as well.
Well things have taken a turn for the worse for us today.
Irwin Mitchell who have just had a look over my contracts and contary to my previous Solicitor's belief, I have been informed that I dont have a BG in my Contract even though it states there is one!
They have told me it's only a global guarantee that SJ\HDT had with the bank.
I feel like I've been mugged!!!
Is this what buying is Spain is like. Every one of my worst fears about buying property abroad (& particulary Spain) has now been realised. How can anyone trust again after this.
I feel sick....
Are there any class actios going on out there I can join into to look at getting my money back. I just cant see these to***rs ever re-commnecing on site again.
Yours in disgust.
_______________________ All the best,
Nigel & Jo.
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Nigel & Jo
I have always thought all along that the bg offered by sj were not worth the paper they are written on. I have a bg but i still don't hold out any hope of getting my money back which is why i will try to get the property at EP.
If this was any other country there would be a lot of these people behind bars now! but things are beginning to change with mayors going to prison etc but it may all be too late for us. Apparantly it is a complete waste of time and money taking your solicitor to court for negligence according to others experiences on the forum. It seems like a no win situation at the moment and i have gone through all the motions too but now i just keep reminding myself "it could be worse, it could be a lot worse" I could be going down to the river to wash, relieve myself and fill my bowls with the same water from the river and then walk miles to carry it home for cooking and drinking. I recently watched a slide show of a lady's experience of Burma (called a different name now which i have forgotton) and this is the way people live and they eat rats for dinner!
This is my coping strategy anyway otherwise sj will rob you of your peace and joy of life
"Things are only ever as bad as you perceive them to be"
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Good luck to you all. The situation in Spain is dire at the moment, and most developers are screaming. The more actions that are taken will force Spain to rethink how properties are sold. If they don't then it will be a generation that will have to pass before the rest of Europe has any confidence in the Spanish system.
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Couldnt agree more Dave
The more we ignore it and let them carry on, the worse it will be for anyone else, and ultimately ourselves.
Best wishes, Brian
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But there are still those who will be blinded and think they are getting a bargain, even today. As someone once said "I don't believe it". Better had. They are out there, despite having the knowledge that others has lost their money in recent months on many developments.
Properties have dropped, like it or not 40% and still can't sell. Hundreds of thousands on the market. Anyone on here who would seriously consider buying at present?
This message was last edited by FriendinNeed on 2/2/2009.
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Hi Brian and to all posting off Brian's letter to the Concurso team.
Has anyone got there letter off?
Any replys or acknowledgments yet from Sapins Spains glorious solictors or administrators of the SJ\HDT "Concurso" "Fiasco"?
_______________________ All the best,
Nigel & Jo.
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Hi and thanks for the reminder of something positive from our end.
I sent mine off today as planned.................i havnt yet sent a copy to my solicitor, its not something i expect him to deal with, although the questions on there will get his help or response when he reads it
The more i think about the letter, and the comments about the administration being upset by it..............the more i am absolutely convinced its the right thing to do right now. Also i think the only reason they will find to ignore it, is because its not will be good to leave it say 10 days.then follow out of the blue with a copy in Spanish......i used to play chess for my town team!!!
Again thanks for the man
Best wishes, Brian
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