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Terrazas de la Torre Golf Resort forum threads
The Comments
22 May 2007 12:00 AM by ghost Star rating. 3 forum posts Send private message

Firstly this is my first post so hello everyone.

I have already purchased on TDLT and have paid the first 25%, I know this maybe a little late in the day to bring this up, but I haven't used a solicitor, I was advised by an agent that it isn't really neccassary on a PW property, I was wondering what  peoples thoughts are on this, I can obviously still assign a solicitor, but would be interested what you guys have to say.


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23 May 2007 10:06 AM by jamiealmeria Star rating in Mojacar, Almeria. 73 forum posts Send private message

Hi Ghost,

Everyone you speak to and every message you read is likely to tell you to use a solicitor before you do anything in the property market. This isn't bad advice, and is vital in the resale market and with many smaller developers. If you have no language skills or no knowledge of the legal system it is very important you have someone checking to see if there are charges on the land, all licenses in place, help with connecting utilities and often just as a point of contact representing you in Spain. The Spanish would never use (or very rarely) a solicitor as a lot of the work is very easy to do or unnecessary. Also many solicitors actually do nothing at all and allow the notaries secretary to do literally everything - they just turn up, pretend to be interested and hand in their invoice on the completion statement.

With Polaris World, they have bi-lingual staff and an open if occassionally slow and frustrating legal department BUT in my opinion (please dont sue me!) it is not necessary to use a solicitor with a PW property. If you have an issue wiuth them in the future, you may wish to get one but I cant think of a circumstance that it would be necessary.

Good luck and dont worry, you have saved yourself some money!


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23 May 2007 7:42 PM by ghost Star rating. 3 forum posts Send private message

Hi Jamie,

You have certainly helped to put my mind at rest.



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18 Jan 2008 11:28 AM by RuthButler Star rating. 14 forum posts Send private message

Jamie, my only comment is, if you was purchasing a property in the UK, would you have a solicitor.  Whether they do much for there money remains to be seen but personnally I would appoint one.

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24 Jan 2008 5:49 PM by Maryc Star rating. 4 forum posts Send private message


Hi Ghost,

I would strongly recommend you use a solicitor, you should always use a solicitor when purchasing any property!

Just another thing it is very important to make a will if you have purchased a property in Spain. Your UK will not cover your property in Spain under spainish law. If you don't have a will it can take years for an estate to be sorted out, even if the death is between husband and wife where you would think the estate should automatically be passed on to the surviving spouse. By the way while the estate is sorted out, which can take up to 5 years!!!! you are liable for the taxes that acrue on the property!





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