Dear All,
I set out below my email to our president and his dismissive reply.
Sr Gerardo Caballero
Dear Senor,
At the meeting in March in the offices of AEA it was the unanimous decision that and AGM of the community be called as soon as possible in either June or July in accordance with the provisions of the Horizontal Property Law :-
Artículo 16
1. La Junta de propietarios se reunirá por lo menos una vez al año para aprobar los presupuestos y cuentas y en las demás ocasiones que lo considere conveniente el Presidente o lo pidan la cuarta parte de los propietarios, o un número de éstos que representen al menos el 25 por 100 de las cuotas de participación.
Despite requests to you from a number of members, to date you have failed to observe the legal requirements and call such a meeting or to address other matters which have been referred to you.
There are also complaints that although you speak good English you refuse to respond in English, even though the majority of residents are English and the Horizontal Property Act requires translations into the languages of majorities.
I am therefore writing to advise you that members of the community have now agreed that unless you now call an AGM without further delay application will be made to the Court’s to have a meeting called
Yours sincerely
M S Alinek
Sr. Alinek,
Acuso recibo de su correo y le comunico que ya me he puesto en contacto con AEA para fijar la fecha de la Junta General de Duquesa Village.
Ellos le podrán dar completa información al respecto.
Un saludo
Gerardo Caballero