The pool side bar is open again although I am not sure if this is only at the weekends for the time being , i will up date this as soon as pos. they are again serving excellent food . We have recently had fixed thatched umbrelas and new sun beds , unfortunately ,not enough of these yet ,but more will be on order soon. The gardens are improving and in particular the pool area grass is looking good . The date for the AGM is now the 21st July, this change is due to getting the accounts out and sent to the owners , sorry about the previous info. on that, but at the time it was correct, i had just come out of a 5 hour meeting when i asked Linda to post that date . Well thats all from me. I hope that those of you who do come out this summer come and see us the beer is already cold in the fridge . ps. Our community charge is not spiraling our of control as it is not uncommon for an additional payment to be called for on a new development as this will end up in a fund for future decoration etc when all monies have been collected from slow payers. Slow payers will be chased hrough the courts.pps. Sorry about bad spelling and typing!!!!!!
This message was last edited by Linda Kaye on 9/10/2007.