I appreciate jakemanzanas passionate enthusiasm and agree that the non-payment of community fees is detrimental to the sustainance of the high standards that the development holds; although I would stop short of condoning the suggestion of gung-ho ´direct action´ from a mafia-style group of elderly vigilantes who want to make things ´difficult´ for non-payers, especially as alternative, legal and relatively peaceful proceedings have already been agreed and initialised in most, if not all, Manzanas.
It is important to note that those owners who are paying the fees are not paying any extra to support the funds depleted by those who aren´t. All paying completers are paying the same amount they would be as if every owner had completed and were paying - this is why the community leaders and workers have the unenviable task of maintaining the development with no funds available and trying to keep everybody happy at the same time.
The non-payers (including those who have not completed) are being charged the same amounts and legal proceedings are being taken against them by the Administrators law team regularly. It must sometimes be difficult to instigate proceedings against contract owners who perhaps live in another country and who have maybe changed address and contact details in the years that have passed since they signed the contract initially.
It is fairly common knowledge that litigation in Spain is a time-consuming practice and this ought to be taken into consideration before levelling accusations of ´failure´ by the Administration whose work is succesful and ongoing - work that due to the lack of community funds (thanks to non-payers) is always carried out at the lowest cost and generally to be paid later. The law team are working on a ´no win, no fee´ basis and so their enthusiasm to the task ought not to be questioned either.
Finally, all the apartments with contracts held under the Peñarroya ownership have their community fees paid up to date - I know this because I have made enquiries with people who have seen proof of such payments having being made. Any cynical doubters of this fact would be wise to do their own research before posting anything mildly to the contrary for their own hidden agenda.