This is the feedback we received from our friend who attended the AGM on our behalf.
1) Some people said they hadn't received the minutes of the last meeting and they are sending more copies to those who request.
2) In 2005 there were 63 debtors in blocks 1-5, in 2006 there were 214 debtors in blocks 1-7, in 2007 as at 30th June there were 129 debtors and there are now 102. There is more debt in block 7 as half have bought and half not. There are always more debtors in the first year of occupation. The community hasn't spent any money on recovery of debt as the arrangement with the lawyers is that debtors will be charged by the court when charged. 17 debtors have paid through lawyer proceedings and there are 34 cases pending. Everyone voted to proceed with the rest of the cases and settlement of debt.
Q. Who set the budget for electricity, it's very high and surely if the number of blocks are known it should be easy to assess the budget?
A. It's difficult to assess as some of the blocks joined half-way through the year and at different times. Someone is sabotaging the lighting. 100 low consumption light bulbs have been stolen. This is expensive. Someone is turning on the lights manually two hours before they are set to come on. We are trying to find out who is tampering with them. The timers and sensors work together, they can't be locked in a cupboard it's against the law. Maintenance men have to have access to them at all times.
Q. There is a leak in the pool in Block 3.
A. Small leak only and will be dealt with at the end of the summer.
Q. The gardens are not looking good. The plants die very quickly.
A. This will improve, it's a matter of finding out which is the best position for which plants in blocks 6 and 7 as they are new.
Q. We pay 14,700 for lifeguards and they won't let the children play ball in the pool, we have to go to another pool that hasn't got lifeguards. When I am there to supervise my children and there is no-one else in the pool this is unnecessary.
A. If a pool is over a certain size there has to be a lifeguard, it's the law. No ball games is a general rule in swimming pools.
Q. Block 6 and 7 gates are left open.
A. New locks are needed.
Fees. There is an 8% increase on last year. The actual increase is 4% allowing for 4% inflation. It represents 10 euros per month per apartment. One of the vice-presidents and the president had a meeting to try and reduce the budget. If anyone has any suggestions or ideas please let them know. You are all welcome to call into the office at any time to talk or review the accounts in full.
5 votes against proposed accounts.
3 owners have requested that all the blocks be split up for community purposes. None of these owners were at the meeting. A board member explained that this would be impractical as the blocks share communal areas and pools. It would also need to be agreed by 100% of the owners. It would also be more expensive.
Current board members and administrarors were re-elected for another year.
Next year the meeting will be held in the Hotel NH in Marbella as it is 600 euros less to hire the conference room. They will always try to hold the meeting in the same week each year but every board member has to attend so dates may change a little.
Q. 2 people complained about dogs in the pool area. Block 3 has someone with dangerous dogs. Block 7 has someone who walks there 2 dogs in the pool area and they eat the plants.
A. Report this to the police (Green Police) and administrators.
Q. Complaints about abandoned cars.
A. Community is aware of this and has reported it to the Town Hall.
Q. Can the post delivery be improved.
A. You can make your address shorter by writing it as La Reserva de Marbella M3 (Short for Manzana 3) 29604 Malaga (is your post code)
Q.One person said that he lives above parking gate Block 3 and it is noisy at night. Indoor plant boxes have no plants. Timer on lights go off in some areas when walking between areas. The glass recycle bin is missing.
A. All noted. There is a lack of bins at the Town Hall but they will try and get another one.
Thank you for mending access road into La Reserva.
Thank you for pest control of spiders.
Several owners complaining about cleaners. Someone will get quotes from other companies.
Q.Curb at the entrance to the community is a problem when cars are parked both sides making the road very narrow.
A. If you let the polcie know, the owners of apartments nearby will be asked not to park there.
Someone suggested having individual switches on lights to save money.
That was the end of the meeting 10.30pm.