There seems to be some confusion here in the way that the Spanish system works relating to The Certficate of Habitation and utilities
Legally on any property that completes, if there is no Certificate of Habitation in place, the developer must provide builders supply utilities, free of any charges for that period
The fact that water and electricity is not connected now is not relevant to the issue of The Certificate because the Town Hall is checking that the required infrastructure and Certificates for the safe occupation of the property, the Bolletins for electric & water are in place
If the external areas, pavements, street lighting etc are not ready then chances are that The Certificate will not be issued
Builders supply can be a problem as for example if they are using generators the power supply can spike causing damage to TV's and there is no service level so if the power or water goes off you have to rely on contacting the builder
As part of the inspection process we normally measure the current to check for this running a 30 minute test
Some banks are now refusing to give mortgages without the Certificate being available
For more information on the whole process see our website