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Huerta Nueva los Olivos forum threads
The Comments
03 Apr 2007 6:42 PM by Bri Star rating in North. 591 forum posts Send private message

Hi Malc and Jackie - what kind of things needed to be done???  We are hoping to complete 30th April, but also thought there was a lot to do when we were there a couple of weeks ago.

Best wishes, Linda



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04 Apr 2007 4:14 PM by JackieandMal Star rating. 16 forum posts Send private message

Hi Linda and Brian..          There were lots of small faults on the apartment itself. The kitchen was still not completely fitted. There was a 1inch gap under front door ( easy for mossies and the odd lizard to get in ). The stairs were not safe and at the back of the property it was still very much a building site with the steps to the communal area with no guard rails on making them dangerous.  The communal area and pool no where near finished.   The smell in our bathrooms was attrocious as they had been using the loos with no water connected..

Hope that helps....................................Jackie

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04 Apr 2007 8:28 PM by LoraineP Star rating in Woodley, Stockport. 13 forum posts Send private message

LoraineP´s avatar

Hi, just read the message from Jackie; the faults with the apartment include a gouge in wardrobe door & a scratch that looked like graffitti.  Problem solved immediately - moved doors to apartment 12 (not sure if A or B!!!!!).  Stairway to apt 5A  "a large step for mankind"- no stairs for the first 2 steps.  So the same problem for apt 6A??!!  Still a fair few problems to resolve with 5A & 5B, but between Malc & Dave they'll get there!  It's just a shame that the initial feeling of "Christmas morning" was spoilt by various problems, but que sera sera.  But it was nice to meet a friendly face in Hayden.

See you all soon


Loraine - loving life!! (5a)

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04 Apr 2007 8:48 PM by LoraineP Star rating in Woodley, Stockport. 13 forum posts Send private message

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Just a quick addenda to my previous message - no proof that wardrobes doors were hung up in any bedrooms of Apts 12!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Loraine - loving life!! (5a)

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05 Apr 2007 1:47 PM by Bristolboy Star rating in Bristol, south west .... 37 forum posts Send private message

Hi Los O's.

Had 19A inspected on monday, told no doors, kitchen not finished, wires hanging from walls. I had a email from BMS the same day saying its finished?.

Perhaps to much sun, or am I expecting to much.

I am coming to complete end April hopefully.


Best to all Don

Don, Bristol

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05 Apr 2007 8:22 PM by Lewis Bourne Star rating in West Midlands. 19 forum posts Send private message

Hi loraine,

Our Medsea report of the 15th Feb stated that first three steps were missing (6A).  By the sound of it they've improved it by 1 - that's positive!!  Medsea said they were visiting the site again this week but we haven't heard anything yet.

Its nice to know we've got names to all in our block now and we are really looking forward to meeting everyone on Los O.

Best wishes, Lew

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06 Apr 2007 10:49 AM by Kyanda Star rating in Spain. 56 forum posts Send private message

Hi everyone

BMS told us our apartment was going to be ready for the final inspection on the 4th April, but Medsea was told by the site foreman it was not ready when they arrived on site. Medsea have told him it must be ready by next week, when they will inspect again. If work has now stopped for Easter, I think we will be lucky if this happens.

We have already booked our flight for the 17th April in the hope we will complete.

Keeping our fingers crossed.

Linda & Rob (31a)

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16 Apr 2007 10:47 AM by JackieandMal Star rating. 16 forum posts Send private message

Malc spoke to Ambersun on Friday who had visited the site and was informed nothing since our last visit.doesn't look like we will be spending our May holiday there after all

This message was last edited by JackieandMal on 4/17/2007.

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26 Apr 2007 7:58 PM by mike/carol Star rating. 3 forum posts Send private message

Hi everyone

We have just  found out about this site during our visit to our apartment  over the weekend. We have at last taken posession of number 8b.  It was great to meet so many of our new neighbours to be.  We would like to thank  Pat and Paul for all their help late saturday night  with a loan of a much needed light bulb and kettle.

We are looking forward to spending as much time as possible in our new abode. Next trip planned for early July, looking forward to meeting more of you then.


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