Hi guys,
Just discovered this site.....should have done months ago...not to feel alone in this battle.....thanks Ian for pointing me to it....
I am one of the relocated buyers from block 3 to block 1 but I'm not 100% sure of anything anymore.
I am Spanish myself and have had the same problems that you have even speaking the language, they are so helpful, are they not? The only thing I can do without is a lawyer, we don't use lawyers in Spain to buy a property but I understand you do mainly for easying communiction.
There are now too many messages for me to catch up but one interesting one was about the fight to get the prices lowered with which I fully agree. What we are about to buy is not the same product we signed for at the beginning with block 3 being some kind of social housing (not the worst there is since at the end of the day is buying half the price we are paying!!!). So if anyone is going down that route I would like to join (contact details below) although I feel that should be done before signing the deeds and that seems to be around the corner now.
Some people asked about the community charges and I know that does depend on us and on the needs of the complex. I have got another flat and we have to discuss things like gardening and swimming pool extras, Arenal has nothing to do with that. However someone mentioned they want €300 + €500 that I don't understand what this is for. In my other flat when I bought it the developer asked each owner to pay €100 as a starting fund for the "community" that needs to be set up but apart from that I don't understand where €800 come from.
Anyway this is already long, please find below my contact details and don't hesitate to use them for a chat or for a strike with poster and banners blocking the road down the development if necessary....I am in London though........
Take care.
Jesús Marín
0044 7985 474 519