Well we have finaly done it we compleated on the property last Wednesday the 10th after 2 failed attemps, the first should have been on September 25th but our solicetor who had power of attorney rang us to say that the bank had not supplied relivent info quickly enough for things to through, then on the seconed occasion the representative from the bank was ill and there was no one to send in her place the solicetor was furrious and made an official complaint to Paradore about the inefficiency of the bank .We had booked our flight out some 11 weeks ago as the property was deamed to be ready last June, we had booked one night at the Torrojoven hotel expecting to pick up or keys the following morning but because it hadnt gone through we had to stay at the hotel for 2 more nights at our expence although to be fare Paradore booked them at their rate which was a darned sight cheaper then the hotels rate then they asked the bank if they would be willing to compensate us for the extra cost they were,nt lisning it was a frustrating time but in the end we got there the apartment was clean and when we return in November we hope to start getting things in ie TV, AC ect so keep all the help and advise coming good luck to anyone who as yet to compleat Hudders