OVP-lawsuit against Aifos

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16 Oct 2006 12:00 AM by jeannieh Star rating. 1 forum posts Send private message

Has anyone heard anything about Aifos going into liquidation? I visited OVP Head Office last week to try and get a definiite answer about what's happening, as I'd read that Aifos had settled out of court with OVP - no information from them though - to be told that in fact they haven't settled; negotiations are still ongoing re a land and property deal; but it's probably all academic as Aifos have no money and are likely to go into receivership any time, in which case everyone loses everything.

I haven't completed on a property as I received a letter from Aifos totally out of the blue back in December 2004 saying that they were terminating my contract as I hadn't completed the paperwork in time, which was totally unfounded and untrue.  Since then I've been assured over and over again by OVP that all was fine-not to worry, I couldn't possibly lose my apartment or my money-and to cut a very long story short, I now find myself without an apartment allocated to me, and likely to lose over £60,000. 

Did anyone else get a 'termination' letter from Aifos? - all in Spanish incidentally - and if so, what has happened? All I want now is to get my money back if possible and forget Spain exists. I feel totally let down by OVP, who have never bothered to keep me informed of developments unless I chased, and now I'm at a complete loss to know who to trust or what to do for the best.  Does anyone have any help/suggestions to offer? Please?!!

Sorry this is so long-not very good at technology etc!

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