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Pueblo Real Golf forum threads
The Comments
05 Sep 2006 12:00 AM by salsy29 Star rating. 29 forum posts Send private message

Early days I know, but lets get talking. Now the building work has started I;m getting quite excited about it all. My next visit to the site will probably be around Easter time, so I;m hoping to see a big improvement, I have found a web site that is promoting the apart hotel

Check it looks lovely


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26 Sep 2006 10:35 PM by Ianmack Star rating in Manchester & Casares.... 125 forum posts Send private message

I hope your developement by Interlaken is far better organised than the one directly below you, "Casares Del Sol" (CDS)

The build quality and promises of what they will do are a figment of their own imagination. They have consistently failed to deliver most items featured in their own literature and when challenged just totally ignored all requests to actually deliver what the brochure stated.

I would urge you to check and double check your contracts specifically the size of the apts as they somehow manage to group into the "Living Area Size" parts of the communal area. IE if the Build size states 89 sq metres this will be TOTAL build size including the walls and some communal areas. The communal part of this could be 10-14 sq metres as we found out at CDS below you.

Also we were also promised a sports complex and commercial centre, both of which have not materialised and it appears you have been promised the same.Most of the complex at CDS is 9 months late and they will not entertain any request for compensation even though it states in the contract they will pay if its 3 months late!

Good Luck!

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27 Sep 2006 12:25 PM by luxman Star rating. 20 forum posts Send private message

Hi Lanmack ,

I totally agree with everything you have said and post something similar on CDS message board and can only give Salsy the same advice. Salsy seems to be the only Pueblo/Suites person on this site. I think you need to spread the word a bit.

Salsy ,

Any help I can give  I would be pleased to do so. Is your deposit in escrow and have you got an independent lawyer? 


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27 Sep 2006 7:48 PM by cmp Star rating. 6 forum posts Send private message

Hello everyone,

I have bought an apartment in casares del sol suites. I am using a spanish lawyer recommended by H20. After discovering this website I realise now that I need to be very much more alert to the problems that I may face ahead. Since I have handed over 30% of the cost of my apartment I have really had no communication from my lawyer or H2O although I spoke to him today.  So I have been a little anxious and even more so after reading these messages.  I was completely sold on the fact that my apartment would have a guaranteed rental income as I wish only to use it for a few weeks a year. I have certain anxieties however. Firstly I am concerned about the Pueblo Real Estate thing. I do not know if this is the same as what I have purchased? Because mine is called Casares del sol suites. These are being marketed through Arsenal Football Club. It was mentioned to me last year that Arsenal may  be involved which I thought was a great selling point. Surely this is a safe place to buy.  I was told that the apartment would be within a hotel complex with all the advantages of the hotel included. Swimming pools, tennis courts,underground parking etc.etc. I have to go out again as it has been 1 year since I was there. I have no complaints so far but of course I do expect problems hopefully ,minor ahead. My biggest worry is that someone is taking me for a fool which I hope I am not. It is out of my control now as they have my money. I hope this will be a good investment if not I will try to get out.  More from me soon.

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28 Sep 2006 9:32 PM by senora Star rating in essex. 4 forum posts Send private message

Pueblo Real Golf Sept 06

 senora x

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28 Sep 2006 9:36 PM by senora Star rating in essex. 4 forum posts Send private message

thats my pic above. Dont look like there's gonna be room to swing a cat let alone everything else weve been promised.

 senora x

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29 Sep 2006 1:35 AM by Ianmack Star rating in Manchester & Casares.... 125 forum posts Send private message


Can you load the picture onto the "shared photos" section as i cant access it on your posting page.


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29 Sep 2006 1:38 AM by Ianmack Star rating in Manchester & Casares.... 125 forum posts Send private message

Just another item i found rather strange is i have site layouts from CDS Suites and Pueblo Real Golf and they contradict each other somewhat.

Real Golf have blocks 1-7 in a horseshoe shape round the pool with the top 3 blocks 3,4,5 looking SSE, overlooking us at CDS.

Del Sol Suites only have block 3 & 4 at the top facing SSE with B5 joined onto block 6 and these two blocks are facing east.

It is definately the same developement and already the confusion begins.

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29 Sep 2006 2:37 PM by salsy29 Star rating. 29 forum posts Send private message


Could you please send me the link for the site plans you mentioned, Thanks

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29 Sep 2006 3:21 PM by salsy29 Star rating. 29 forum posts Send private message

I've put some photos on but  the January photo should be dated September 06

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29 Sep 2006 6:39 PM by Ianmack Star rating in Manchester & Casares.... 125 forum posts Send private message


Pueblo Real Golf at

Once on home page click prices, then click "View site layout and prices (PDF)" this will show the site layout inc the prices of each apt.


Casares Del Sol Suites

Once on home page, place cursor on "Plans" the click master plan from the drop down menu.

The sports centre ive had it confirmed is in the top right hand corner, accross the road and outside the perimeter fence. The small block on its own next to the road on the RHS is the reception area.

On the map i got from the sales centre on site for Del Sol, the complex is divided into 2 parts both built round pools. On the right hand side is the smaller area with the reception area close to the sports complex and these blocks are numbered 1-6. These blocks on my map also show the same lettering system as the Real Golf map in that the apts are shown as types A, B, C, & D

With block 1 being closest to reception and working anti clockwise, b2 is joined to and above b1 with b3 & b4 at 12 O'clock. B5 & B6 being the long blocks joined together at 9 o' clock facing the pool and reception area. I'm giving it to you this way because the online map does not number the blocks in any way.

Youll be able to see it clearly after you download both maps.

Both Del Sol and Real Golf are pretty evasive when you question who is actually building what. It seems another way to totally confuse people and it will of course make it difficult to pin anyone down as to who is responsible for building the developement as they will probably blame each other with the purchasers in the middle wondering who to take action against if it all goes tits up!

I would personally love the project to be built to the quality as stated in the literature (whichever one you read) and that it gets built on time as this would benefit everyone, particularly our CDS complex below it.  It just seems some clarification is required sooner rather than later otherwise it could get really complicated.

Salsy, If you want i could scan and send my numbered copy of the Del Sol map to you if you reply using the private message system, leaving your e-mail address.



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03 Oct 2006 6:57 PM by 33black Star rating in UK. 3 forum posts Send private message

Hi chaps, I'm new to this website but I have purchased (placed a deposit) on one of these appartments in PRG. There was due diligence undertaken by Arsenal football club prior to any of this taking off so I think we can rest assured that the whole development will be sound when its complete. If the way they handled the Emirates Staduim is anything to go by which was handled professionally and ahead of schedule beating wembley to completion then we can rest assured they would not put there name to a development which they did not believe could be handled properly and professionally within the time scales indicated. They are to much of a big name to have it blighted by a scandalous development. It's one developer building the whole thing for two controlling agents - PRG and CDS. Is anyone here new to buying in Spain? or are you seasoned professionals?



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10 Oct 2006 8:23 PM by Ianmack Star rating in Manchester & Casares.... 125 forum posts Send private message

The whole point of this site is for people to share information for the good of others.

The purchasers at CDS below you have also used due diligence but it hasnt stopped Interlaken delivering lower than stated quality and service and delivering between 9-12 months late.

We too had lovely brochures and contracts that stated the apts were to be a certain size with beautiful landscaped tropical gardens which are now being meticulously studied by various lawyers and legal bodies.

We are sharing our experience to make you aware of the problems we have had with Interlaken, the same builder that is building your development. Already there are discrepensies in the site layout between PRG and CDSS, the two "controlling agents" on this development.

We would love your development to be built on time and to the quality as stated in your literature as this would also benefit us at CDS below you.

The information is here should you wish to use it, or you can bury your head in the sand and choose to ignore it!

Be pro-active and not re-active. 

Good luck!



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18 Oct 2006 2:30 PM by luxman Star rating. 20 forum posts Send private message

I agree with lanmack.

If you look under the CDS boards and under Kasamina aparthotel you'll notcie than J Harts makes a very good point about the different licenses granted by CDSS and CDS and I assume Pueble Rio Golf is the same license as CDS.

Lets go to fantasy land and imagine Interlaken build the aparthotel to spec and to the marketing blurb.

Does this mean Pueblo Rio Golf will afford the same attention? Who knows.

If I were you 33black, I would assume that Interlaken will cut corners and not deliver. If you assume this you will not make the same mistakes as I and others have made.

One note on Arsenal. They are getting a cut for every apartment sold. They have done a deal with the agents who have a ready made customer base to market the apartments.60,000 season ticket holders, many wealthy members and a huge membership worldwide.One stop shopping if you are marketing apartments. Arsenal to do not own the apartments in any way. It is part of many property deals Arsenal will consider. Whilst Arsenal would not welcome the bad publicity, I suggest they will not give a sh*t about Interlaken and could easily pull out.

Good luck all at Pueblo Rio



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19 Oct 2006 6:56 PM by captain1976 Star rating. 6 forum posts Send private message

Just as a matter of interest Ianmack, who carried out due diligence for CDS and how were the funds put together for it? Was it one individual buyer and he is sharing it with other buyers?

I also find it a little complexing that the comparison keeps on coming down to the fact that it is the same developer, Interlaken. I assume, same as in the UK, qualities of the developers projects are very often different. In this case, architecture varies, inside layout is different, inside finish is of different materials and the outside is different. Without wanting to be facetious, this sounds a complete different resort to CDS.

In relation to the other thread about partners (Accor, Arsenal) not being interested or knowing about any problems. The company running the Apart Hotel was set up by the former Chief Exec of Accor. This is the first project for the new company. I would find it incredible if a company run by a man with such vast experience would neglect the property and any chance he had of making money. Also, given that they are already offering a guaranteed rental return should you wish, I suspect they are quite comfortable with the development.

Buyers of the CDS-suites and Pueblo Real, I would not be scared by the unfortunate experiences of those in CDS.

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10 Sep 2007 8:14 PM by normansands Star rating in Kent. 1277 forum posts Send private message

Well , well, what an optimist.

Can he really be real? I for one don't think so. I believe he is a developer's plant.

It is more than time our Captain declared himself.

What are we waiting for????

This site is about people being honest and "telling it like it is"

I*t is past time you started doing just that dear Captain.



N. Sands

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