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The Comments
01 Jan 2008 12:00 AM by ellemum Star rating in Bolton Lancs / Costa.... 122 forum posts Send private message

Hello everyone,

Well now that all the pressies have been given and the waistlines have grown as much as the credit cards bills, I hope that everyone is looking forward to 2008.

It has gone very very quiet on here!! 

I hope we are all looking forward to spending some of our time in our Spanish places, and building a really good community spirit of which we will all benefit.

We are out again in Feb, April -May.   Looking forward to seeing our new found friends.

Every Good Wish to  All at Las Siete Casas.

Ellen  & Jim

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07 Jan 2008 11:25 PM by jayne13 Star rating in BEDFORDSHIRE . 25 forum posts Send private message

jayne13´s avatar

Hi Ellen and Jim

You are right very quiet, where is everyone??

Dont think we have met in person yet, we are out end of this month(Jan)  March and again Begining of June for the Festival.

Hope to catch up with you then.

Happy New Year to Everyone

This message was last edited by jayne13 on 1/7/2008.


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08 Jan 2008 10:11 PM by ellemum Star rating in Bolton Lancs / Costa.... 122 forum posts Send private message

Hi Jane,

Thank goodness you replied - I was getting worried that everyone had left the UK and settled in Spain!! 

We are over in Feb, April to May - so will miss you again........................... we will meet up at some point no doubt.  What Festival is it in June and do you know the dates of future festivals - will get flights booked for them.

Hope you got the tiles sorted - when we were out there in December - Paco and workmen were on your roof working - is all okay now?



Ellen  & Jim

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09 Jan 2008 9:41 AM by jayne13 Star rating in BEDFORDSHIRE . 25 forum posts Send private message

jayne13´s avatar

Hello again,

We are told the festival is the first week in June, it is in  La Matanza. I believe there is also one held in October but I dont know the dates.

We went to the festival in Elche last August  would recomend it to everyone Massive firework display, fire spitting dragons a great night. not sure of date yet but it will be well advertised.

Didnt realise that the work on our roof tiles had been done, they are replacing the worse cracked ones and leaving the rest to see what happens!!!!!!!  Will let you know if OK after next visit. 



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11 Jan 2008 5:49 PM by young Star rating in Stockport/Las Siete .... 70 forum posts Send private message

i didn't want to depress you when you found out how many times we will be out there this year, but we will be enjoying the sun, sand and sangria (not that stuff from the pot shop) in March, April, June and most of September and beginning of October to get that Fiesta in.

Carmel & George

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