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Just received this from Rosa
Good Morning John,
I have been advised that the AGM is set for 18th. March. This is confirmed so you may inform owners. We are preparing to post on the community web page in a couple of days.
Also the date for Coto Real AGM is set for the 19th March. This may interest those owners who have properties in both developments.
Re: Access web page, We have been checking this morning and all appears to be ok. Please try your codes and let me know if you are still having the same problem.
Warm Regards,
Rosa Escuadra
Grupo AEA Administracion SL.
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Hi all
Good news about the AGM, shame it's not a Friday or a Monday ,I''m sure this would suit most owners including us, i can't help thinking that it is a Ploy on there part to reduce the numbers.
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Thank for this. Darn it , I'm there the following week !
We need to make sure that the agenda and proxy cards are circulated in good time so that we can make best use the proxy voting system.
Then at least anyone who can't make it can get someone who shares their views to represent them.
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I am there the foilowing week too, so is JohnH from EOS as is Chris who has written on this thread. I have responded to Rosa saying that I , personally, would prefer the following week. Now there are some more I shall add that to the weight of argument for change.
Anybody else reading this and would like to see if we can change to the following week let us know.
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No use Rosa posting details on the AEA web site when we are still locked out of the system.
Will contact her again as this must be dealt with

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MA/AS 15th January 2008
Attn : Rosa Escuadra
AEA Administration
Dear Rosa,
I understand from John Cox that the AGM has been set for 18th March and that you propose to post details on the community web site.
However nearly all registered log in details have been inoperative since the beginning of January and the temporary log ins supplied have also failed to work.
Can you please ensure that urgent attention is given to restoring the full functionality of the community web site.
In addition can you please ensure that the draft audited accounts for the period from inception to 31st December 2007 and the budget for 2008 are circulated at least 28 days prior to the meeting so that they can be discussed and approved at the meeting.
Yours sincerely

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Good Morning Mr. Alinek,
I did inform Mr. Cox in the first instance that the AGM was scheduled for the 18th. March, however just a few minutes after sending that email I was informed that the President was trying to reschedule AGM a day earlier and therefore the date is still pending confirmation. Once we have total confirmation then we will inform all of the owners.
I did send a second email to Mr. Cox advising the change.
I am also trying to resolve the problem with the web page which I hope to have resolved a.s.a.p.
Warm Regards,
Rosa Escuadra
Grupo AEA Administración SL

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When I met with Gerardo and Rosa in November they are me for dates in Feb. when I could make the AGM. I sent these dates and now its in March!!!. I am in Ecuador March 17/18th and don't get back until 22nd March. So if it was moved on there is a chance I can get there.
If not I will need a proxy.
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Hi Jeff
We've also booked to come over for the last week in February and have now been informed by Rosa at AEA that the AGM is going to be in March. We also need a proxy as we won't be able to get over for the AGM. I was sure it was going to be at the end of February. Apparently AEA are investigating to see why we can no longer use our codes to get into their site.
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Hi All
We are also out a week after the proposed AGM (17th/18th) and would prefer it to be changed if possible. Also, we have never been given a password/code regarding AEA site, can anyone enlighten me please as to whom I should contact regarding this. I feel I am a bit out of touch here...................
Regards Mimmie
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I have posted this elsewhere as a reply as well.
They have given more than sufficient notice for an AGM as only 6 days is necessary, see blue
Taken from Horizontal Law Property Act
Section 16 para 3
(3) The annual general meeting shall be called with, at least, six days’ notice and extraordinary meetings shall be called with sufficient time to inform all parties concerned. A meeting not called by the president may be legally held provided all unit owners are present and willing.
y en Espanol
3. La citación para la junta ordinaria anual se hará, cuando menos, con seis días de antelación, y para las extraordinarias, con la que sea posible para que pueda llegar a conocimiento de todos los interesados. La junta podrá reunirse válidamente aun sin la convocatoria del Presidente, siempre que concurran la totalidad de los propietarios y así lo decidan.
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With regards to the 6 days notice clause....
I have read that
" It is very important to know that this statutes can be modified just by unanimous consent of all the owners."
So with regards to the period of notice this could be changed but I suspect that there is one owner who might not agree at this time at this A.G.M.
However it might be worth a try to propose a motion to set the date say 3 months in advance.
I wonder if a conversation with out President might help to determine what longer period might be acceptable to the Developer?
This message was last edited by PMillsom on 1/30/2008.
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Hi Paul and Jeff,
I emailed Rosa and asked her to set the date a week later and she replied saying a definite date had not yet been fixed, they were doing their best to take into account, that not all could make the March date. She also said that it would be a good idea if the next years AGM date could be agreed when this one takes place, which I thought was an excellent idea. Everyone would then know in advance and could plan their trips accordingly in order to attend.
Regards M
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Please see response from Rosa
Hello John,
I lament to report only a slight progress on this one. I have managed to obtain from the President, Gerardo Caballero, to agree to hold the meeting some time between the 24th & 28th. March 2008, however the date is subject to confirmation from the Administrator, Mrs. Sandra Rodriguez, who is away and will be returning next week. Needless to say I will ask her to confirm the moment she is back, when I have the date I will inform you so that you may relay the information on to the owners.
Kind Regards,
Rosa Escuadra
Grupo AEA Administracion Sl.
It looks as though the date might change!!!
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