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Hi folks, have friends looking for a builder. Must be construction/building trades qualified and preferably self employed paying spanish tax and NI. Thought I'd ask if there was anyone on SG?
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Hi Jane,
From my own experience, the builders in Spain seem to be mainly Building Contractors - i.e. they tend to contract a lot of work out. Nothing wrong with that, as long as they supervise the work they contract. We have a builder (from Camposol) for our pool at M15-32, and some of the guys they employ are also employed by other pool builders. They now have an office on-site, at SG. We are also having the underbuild developed by another builder (who is also on-site, same place), and the same system of contract seems to apply here.
The other on-site builders are Amber Pools, and despite being what appears a pool builder, they are involved with all types of construction, and, more importantly, we have seen their work. The added bonus is that they ARE on-site, having an office on M15, and the fact that most future business in this trade does come from recommendation, they must make sure that their work is good. The head guy, Steve, is a bit of a 'del boy', but a likeable fella who speaks fluent spanish (must have beeen there a bit), and I am convinced that he knows what he is talking about.
Hope that the above is of use to you, if you are in SG anytime, if you ask Amber to show you some of their work, they will, and I'm sure that you wil be impressed, we were!!
Kind regards,
John B.

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Hi John
As you know we are using Amber for our pool and I agree that everything I have had to do with them so far has been great. I was particularly impressed with the work they showed me and that was the swaying factor that got them the order. I believe they have started our pool and things seem to be progressing very quickly. I have not managed to see any photos yet, but they seem very professional compared with my other experience of Spanish builders (Masa). How is your pool coming along?
I am out on the 13th March and will hopefully get to meet you then, possibly with a game of golf?
Barry 15.40
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Hi all, many thanks for the helpful replies, I'll pass them on. Hope to visit at Easter and look foward to seeing all these pools and buildings first hand - i'll bring the vino!
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Hi Barry,
We must really get these dates sorted - we are down in SG from the 1st march until the 10th, and I am due to have a couple of games with Tony (15-30) while we are there, (subject to the Boss giving her permission). I'll have to be carefull, this time, 'cosTony's irons are on fire, the other week he scored 22 points in a Stableford match at Mar Menor, over 9 holes, so there will be NO bets on our next match!! I am currently looking at flights in May and July/August, although if the pound sorts itself out, and I can get a flight in April, we'll go then and sign for the Open. In any event, I'll send you a PM when I get some flight bookings, then maybe we can get a game (or 2,3,4.....) in, again, subject to........................ .
Our pool started life in a strange way. We signed the contract with Sol Pools back in December, to commence after we had signed for the Albatros. To our horror, when we went to snag the property, we espyed this ruddy great hole in the garden - they had already started the excavation!! - before we owned it. Miguel of GM was NOT very impressed. No matter, on the plus side, it will be finished soon, March, I believe. I've posted some photo's on the site, these were taken in January, and I'm sure that the digger used, on your photo's, is the same as used for ours. One reassuring point, look at the rock they are having to dig up, the villa foundations are solid.
Hi Jane,
Can't make it at Easter, but you are more than welcome to come and see the pool in May and July/August, red vino in hand, just as you are more than welcome, without vino in hand, it will be party time then!!
Kind regards,
John B.

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Hi Rob,
Thanks for that, but it seems to have shrunk!! Having said that, it must be an optical illusion (I read that once, in a book). Keep sending the pictures, mate.
To all and sundry, isn't it great to have a guy in SG to see things for you while you are not there!!
Thanks again, Rob..
John B.

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Yes John
We will have to sort these dates out. We have a baby due at the end of April, so it will be around August before we get back after this visit I would think. 22 points off 9 holes does sound a little suspicious to me, although I did have 20 from 8 holes on Wednesday before I blew up on th 9th.
Your right the ground does look nice and solid, which is reassuring when you have just had a huge hole dug out within a few metres of your house!! From the picture Rob has taken for you, the shape of your pool looks very nice, just need the weather now to go with it.
See you soon
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Hi John & Mary
Just to keep you up-dated with the Friday Frolick not so good this week only got 15 points, but I did win the nearest to the pin on the 2nd hole and and 2nd nearest on the 8th hole, not bad a and they gave me 15 euros for doing it.
Not sure if you noticed or not but if you look at the picture bobby put on you can just see your new grills, they look good mate.
Will sent you an email on the rest of the work.
See you soon, just off to the driving range!!!
P.S. I have done my pathway now look great.
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Hi Tony,
I look forward to the friday frolick, when down next month. Well done with your nearest the pin shots, you can sort the points business out next time!!
Saw Bobby's picture, just about saw the grills (and the painting), and they look fine. Look forward to receiving your email, a lot must be happening around there, right now. Your pathway looked great the last time I saw it, (I posted a photo on the site), the finished product must be worth seeing.
See you soon, best regards to Janet,
John & Mary.
p.s. Hey Tony, do you have to rub it in -'off to the driving range'? I've just got back from the frozen wastes of Arrowe Park Golf Club. Its ruddy freezing, and soggy underfoot Now, if I can persuade Mary ........................ !!!

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Hi John & Mary
Just going off to another Friday Frolic, don`t like to mention it BUT on Wednesdays golf at El Valle Terry come in with the best score and I got another nearest to the pin, there going to be after my blood. I must try harder (hole in one).
Well will email you about your place.
see you both soon.
Tony & Janet
P.S. forgot to tell you we are getting hitched.
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Hi Tony & Janet,
What a way to end a posting, - p.s., 'we're getting hitched'???
Firstly, our heartiest congratulations to the both of you - and the best of everything, secondly, from Mary, where? and when? (Tony, can you find time, with all this golf you're playing?). Look forward to seeing you on March 1st, must be time to open a few bottles vino'.
Hope you enjoyed your Friday Frolick, but you and Terry will have to stop winning all the beer vouchers, otherwise we won't get a game when I'm down there. We went on our Wednesday Frolick, well actually, our Frolick is an abbreviation of the full title 'Freezing Frolicks', as you can see it the picture below, of the 18th hole (we never made it to here as it was ruddy freezing).

Seen you both soon,
John & Mary.
This message was last edited by hillwood on 2/22/2008.

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Hi J & M
Looks like a christmas card, I didn´t win on Friday but Terry got r/up in the points another 15 euros for the bar.
See you soon.
T & J
P.S. tell mary we have not got any dates yet, it just can´t be on a friday, you know why.
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Hi T & J,
Never mind the dates, we've got the bubbly!! Will put it to good use when we land!!
The posting may have looked like a Christmas card, but it was more like Siberia -my playing mate was so cold, he packed up at the 8th hole ( even though I told him that I thought that he had he had NEVER even started).
I trust Terry used the 15 euros sensibly L.O.L.
See you saturday (late) evening,
John & Mary. 
p.s. This is more like Xmas!!!
This message was last edited by hillwood on 2/24/2008.

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