penthouses phase 1

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The Comments
28 Feb 2008 12:00 AM by barney111 Star rating. 1133 forum posts Send private message

Has anyone been given a completion date for the first penthouses? Or has anyone got an educated guess when they will be ready?

Perhaps there will be a showhouse to view prior to completion which will give us all a better idea how we can furnish them.






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29 Feb 2008 7:34 PM by mcgill Star rating in Airdrie, Scotland & .... 41 forum posts Send private message


When we were out at the end of November they thought June 2009 was likely. We're in block 13.

If anyone has hear anything different though, let us know. It seems like the whole site is ahead of schedule so we'll maybe need to get the mortgages sorted quicker than we thought!



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