The Comments |
Hi, the one on the corner by the roundabout opposite the CDP Site office is good, can't remember what it's called. Also, along the front we had a fabulous lunch of sea food in one of the cafe/bars - the first one you come to walking away from CDP along the front. We shared the platter between 3 with salads, wine & coffee - came to about €30. Enjoy your visit.

Are you buying at CDP, if so, what phase, we are buying on Phase 4, but are moving out in3 weeks and staying in a rental property until the house is ready.
This message was last edited by J&N on 4/19/2008.
Jacqui our adventure from deciding to move to Spain to being here and moving back to the UK.
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I can recommend the Belle Vista set opposite the Calypso Hotel on a sight incline on the right as you are leaving SJ for Vera, it doesn't look much from the outside but the food is fabulous, the staff are very friendly, it is very clean and the prices are very good, an 'al a plancha' grilled meat, salad and chips is only 7.50 euros's and if you like fish then this is the plaice (sorry, couldn't help myself) for you, the fish is fantastic.
There is another restaurant that most people tend to eat at opposite the town hall ( I shall not mention it here) but unfortunatley they are starting to get a little greedy now, there is one price for the locals and one for the incomers/tourists.
All ways check that the prices include IVA and that there are no additional costs for the salad/chips etc!!!!
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Thanks Folks,
info gratefully received. Looking forward to meeting all you guys - without the stress (and a large jug of sangria!).
We are Phase 3, No 53 some day soon.......
Hasta la vista !
Rik & Marilyn
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Just back from CDP. Your'e right - I felt Pepa's on the corner are getting a little greedy. Charging for things you didn't ask for and portions are small. Good food though but I was a bit put off. If you like Tapas, Delfin1 across the road is marvellous for brunch or lunch. We had 4 portions and three very good cafe con leche (do you like my bit of Spanish there) for 7 euros. La Cortijas is good but like the others the prices are rising. Value for money are the Chinese restaurants, good one in San Juan and more in Aguilas. While I was practising my Spanish asking for dishes, I found the waiters trying to practice their English. Became a bit frustrating in the end. Hope you have more success!
Jo and Jim
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Hi Everyone,
just back, had fabulous time, found everyone really helpful. Wow, what a lovely place !
We ate 4 meals out there and the best two were in Montesols. Sorry, we know it's English owned (they are new) - but that's the way it was. The carvery on Wednesday night was amazing value and quality.
Bella Vista was nice, cheap and friendly - we would go back.
You must, must, walk, drive, crawl, whatever up to the castle. The views are mind blowing.......
Hope you latest visitors have a good time. Send us your experiences please !
Marilyn & Rikki
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Hi, glad you've had a good time. I must agree with your comments about the views from the castle, we've been up each time we have been out there (we always drive, I can't imagine walking) and I have a photo across the bay as the header for my blog. We'll have to try Montesols when we get out there, where abouts is it? Countdown Clocks at
Jacqui our adventure from deciding to move to Spain to being here and moving back to the UK.
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Tomorrow we are going to San Juan for 2 weeks hopefully we will sign up in the second week. We are very excited and feel that everything will go to plan.
Whatever happens, we are going to enjoy our holiday and we are looking forward to seeing all the progress we have been told about through the EOS,. Previous visits have been in November, December and March so we are really looking forward to the sunshine and seeing all the holidaymakers having a good time, Our daughter is coming through for the weekend of the festival of San Juan, it is fhe first time she has ever seen the place so she just cant wait to sample the lifestyle.
We will report back as soon as we return and hope to take plenty of pictures, may even take a photo of special agent Jacqui and her little dogs.
Mavis and Bill
Plot 16 phase 1
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I'm not sure whether Mavis & Bill have seen me walking the dogs or not but we haven't bumped into each other in any of the bars, although others have spotted me in the bars and have come and chatted to us.
Well, I'm on a plane back to Sheffield this evening, my father is in hospital following a serious operation and I need to get back to see him. One of the benefits of moving to Spain is that you can get back to the UK incredibly quickly if necessary. Even so, it doesn't make situations like this easier when they happen.
So, my bag is packed and I'm off for one last dip in the pool before setting off to the airport. I'm really going to miss my hubby and the pups, and hopefully will be back early next week, providing all is well in Sheffield.
Jacqui our adventure from deciding to move to Spain to being here and moving back to the UK.
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Hi Jacqui
I think I speak for all on this site in saying hope all's well with your father and he recovers well from the op. Take care
Mick & Pam 
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Hi Jaqui
On our second night in San Juan we called in at Montesol and sat next to a couple on the terrace, looked for you but then we saw you talking to another couple on the table next to us, you then rushed off and jumped into a car that was waiting for you. The couple were Jim and Lynn from Liverpool, I said was that Jaqui and they said it had been they said are you Bill and Mavis. The next few days we were busy doing our trips to the Solicitors etc and never caught sight of you again, hope all is well with your father.
Hope to catch up with you soon.
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Just got back last night, Brandy & Brinkley were at the airport to meet me, I have missed them so much - oh, and Neil was there as well (poor man - 3rd in line for hugs and kisses)
Dad's operation went well and he is out of HDU and on a general ward. It was very upsetting to see him so unwell when I got there last week but he has improved greatly and I felt he was well on the road to recovery when I left him yesterday. I'll be back to England for a few days when he comes out of hospital, hopefully the weather will have improved by then, it has been so cold and rainy - I ended up buying a brolly 'cos I kept getting rained on between the hospital car park and the building - why do they put the car parks so far away.
Mavis & Bill, Sorry we didn't get to chat when you were over, we had friends to stay that week and we were literally on our way out of the bar when Lynn came over to speak to us. Hopefully we'll catch up next time you are over. Did everything go ok?
How did you enjoy the midnight festival - we loved being there.
Jacqui our adventure from deciding to move to Spain to being here and moving back to the UK.
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Hi All
There is a lot of painting going on at the moment and they have nearly finished painting the majority of the houses now, and it's looking really good. One thing I did notice is that one of the houses on Phase 1 had the rendering hacked off an entire wall which has now been re-done, so when you are out snagging don't forget to check the outside as well as the inside.
The road and landscaped area up the right hand side of the development is looking good but other than that, there is little progress to see.
I know of one english couple who are now living in there house on CDP and they have had some difficulties living on what is still to a greater degree, a building site, for example the water and electrics being turned off when the builders went home one night because they didn;t realise anyone was now living there - I really feel for them being there on there own, it must seem very odd.
I will be getting some respite from the current heat (45c yesterday on the golf course) later this week as I am going back to England again. Dad has made good progress after his operation and is now ready to come out of hospital so I am flying back to spend some time with him. Neil will stay here again with the pups. Thank you to everyone for your good wishes for my Dad's recovery, there were some difficult days initially but he is now much improved.
Must remember to pack my umbrella this time - I had to buy one last time I went over.
Jacqui our adventure from deciding to move to Spain to being here and moving back to the UK.
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dont forget to take a large golf umbella as we have had a lot of rain. glad to hear your father is coming out of hospital, must be a big relief for your family. How does the site look now that all the houses have been painted, still never heard from anyone to say that the habitaion licience has been granted. Hope you have a good flight Jacqui and all the best.
Mick & Pam 
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The development is looking good. We're going down to the Montesol for quiz night tonight with some friends (yes, we have some already) so I'll take my camera and take a detour. Hopefully I'll get chance to post any new photos before I leave tomorrow.
We are so pleased Dad is coming out of hospital, it has been a big worry. And yes, I have seen the weather bak in england - oh joy!
Jacqui our adventure from deciding to move to Spain to being here and moving back to the UK.
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45c on the golf course? Ha, we are in St. Andrews and it hasn't stopped raining for the last three days! Can't wait to get down there and enjoy some rays!!
Jo and Jim
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