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La Matanza forum threads
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07 Nov 2006 12:00 AM by jayne13 Star rating in BEDFORDSHIRE . 25 forum posts Send private message

jayne13´s avatar

Just returned from La Matanza, more photos for you to see, couldnt do individual appartment as they have no numbers up yet. In fact I cant work out the numbering system at all! Hope Ive got them all.  Park area coming on too as you can see children play equiptment and seating now being put in. Enquired about what is to go on other piece of land at front and told the local council have not yet decieded, could be a helth centre.

Land at the bottom of development now has a concreate area put on it, dont know what this is for unless more seating.

Dont know how some people are living there the dust and noise is still awfull, starts between 7.30 and 8.00am and goes on until dark. While we were there they even worked Saturday.

Next trip planned for Jan 07. LOVE IT



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07 Nov 2006 4:31 PM by san miguel Star rating. 288 forum posts Send private message

san miguel´s avatar

Hi Jayne

Fantastic photos thank you for that, you can see it coming on, really exciting.

we are going out in Feb to do NEIs and will visit the development, can't wait. 

Anymore about break ins?





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07 Nov 2006 10:58 PM by tugay Star rating in san miguel de salina.... 16 forum posts Send private message

great photos, many thanks, I'm sure you are going to get asked this a lot but here goes - Have the developers indicated as to whether the completion dates are still on time? and also have there been any more burglaries over the past few weeks?

How did you feel the locals in La Matanza have taken to the development and the subsequent influx of us Brits? I am interested to know if you mixed in well in the village and if you enjoyed the evenings in the bars/restaurants in the village?

We are going over in March, we cant wait. Look forward to your reply.




TUGAY (Dave & Sheila) San Miguel De Salinas   Costa Blanca

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08 Nov 2006 5:50 PM by jayne13 Star rating in BEDFORDSHIRE . 25 forum posts Send private message

jayne13´s avatar


There has been no indication that the complex will not complete on time.

Dont know if a letter was sent out to everyone but we have been told that maintanance fees will be in the region of 180 euros. A meeting was being held on 4th Nov to discuss this.

All the people in the village we have met seem very friendly, they tend to wander around park/pool area in the evening and always acknowledge us.

We have been in a couple of really spanish restaurants, in small surounding villages everyone has been really friendly, last one took us 45 mins to order starter then we got the wrong ones! Great fun. Then the waiter gave us gifts and champagne on the house. Have no worries everyone is great.

The pizza place in town is also good they do like it if you try a little spanish, in August they were having free spanish lessons in there.

On a less cheerful note break ins continue to be a problem, majority on top floor, A family came over left there suitcases and went to visit a neighbour, on there return all there suitcases had gone.

Some people have put up grills on stairs leading up to roof I spoke to one lady and she has the number but didnt indicate how much it had cost.



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08 Nov 2006 9:29 PM by ellemum Star rating in Bolton Lancs / Costa.... 122 forum posts Send private message

Hi Jayne,

Photos are great - thanks very much for taking the time out to do this and to get info.

We are going over in a couple of weeks - will try out my spanish in the local restaurants/shops!!!

Anyone want me to ask anything or take photos of anything specific?


Ellen  & Jim

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