The Comments |
As we have seen all over Spain the floods from the torrential rain the past few months have been causing lots of problems .... here is our local TV station - Manilva TV - showing some of the damage caused this weekend .... as you can see several households/urbanisations have been evacuated and moved to a local apart/hotel due to the damage caused to houses and roads, and several roads have simply collapsed altogether .....
It's at times like these that we are reminded of how lucky we are (those of us whose houses have not been damaged). I hope everyone who has been affected by the storms can move on in the future ..... it will be very difficult, and I know it doesn't help much, but our thoughts are with you xx
Damage caused by floods in Manilva has been on national news as well!!
Ana Sánchez. PGCE, MA & BA(Hons)
Teaching and Translation Services
ooops - sorry More - I had been looking at your funny clip and must have somehow left the link on my paste board (It was very funny tho')
The correct link is here: (For some reason I am unable to edit my previous post!)
ps - Glad to see you back More! xx
This message was last edited by buzylizzie on 09/03/2010.
Why is Manilva news showing a cat on a table playing with a printer?

Excuse me for laughing at such a serious thread but I thought my netbook was having a mad moment & I rebooted.
Edited to add: Goes to show Nati didn't click link....................... This message was last edited by morerosado on 09/03/2010.
Well Lizzie, I think the cat playing with the printer is probably more cheerfull so maybe a Freudian slip on your part. We're comming over thursday what with the reports on todays news of the snow in Catalunia and the rain on Costa Del Sol the missus is a getting paranoid about comming. Do you think we need to bring a canoe if we want to visit the market on Sunday?

" Do you think we need to bring a canoe"
think you may need one..

There's a Facebook page HERE that shows lots of photos of the destruction.
Kevin I think we'll probably need waders as a minimum, never mind the fishing must be on the up and up, good picture thanks.
Morerosado those pics look like there taken in Chile, I can only feel so sorry for the owners.
This message was last edited by Jet48 on 09/03/2010.

Yes, it's been really bad. The first we heard of it was when we were watching "España en Directo" on TVE1. It was strange to think that the TV crews were just around the corner at the moment.
The reain has been so bad but I think the damage caused to some of those houses was caused by the main water supply breaking and it all flushed under those houses.
Terrible really and I hear one lady owner has no insurance...and has no home now.
I've never known anything like it. I am very grateful that our house is still standing!
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Coming down from Bilbao last weekend I have never seen so much floodwater in fields in the 8 years I have been coming up and down that road.Heavy rain in the North,snowing over the Somosierras and an area between Madrid and Albacete which at this time of year is normally showing the early growth of Spring barley was flooded as far as the eye could see.It was like looking out across the Med.Hundreds of thousands of hectares of arable land totally underwater.You can bet the barley and wheat prices will be high later this year.