any opinions on Formentera del Segura ?

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15 Aug 2008 5:32 PM by mariecw Star rating in Limerick, Ireland & .... 140 posts Send private message

mariecw´s avatar
Hi Guys,

Its nice to see Formentera del Segura being shown in a positive light once again !!!!  Its a real gem and we are so delighted
to have bought there !!!!!!

 Irene, sorry to have missed you but once again but we will have to meet soon !!!
Sichez, saw your photos of Formentera on google earth - just wonderful. Keep up the good work !!!




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16 Aug 2008 1:34 AM by Star rating. 5 posts Send private message

Hey people,
                     Just taking this time to apologise to everybody about my comments. I don't know why I did it and it will probably have reprecussions for me and the bar. I wanted to give my opinion on everything and it came across as extreme. I guess I saw people putting us down and reacted , which I shouldn't of done. I have lived here for 6 years and have learned a good standard of Spanish and have Spanish friends. I have heard people say they won't come here because we are Irish or British as some of you still think but , personally I would rather go to an English speaking pub because I find it easier to converse with people and have more in common with them. Also I find alot of Spanish bars to be sub-standard in terms of comfort, cleanliness and general attitude towards us ex-pats.Not saying all of them, of course, but I find in this village it is the case. Maybe I'm wrong, but in 6 years that's what I think. Maybe it's because I am young they treat me this way or they think I am a tourist and they will treat older people better, I don't know. To get to the point, I just want to retract my hostile comments and hope you can try to forget them when you judge me.

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16 Aug 2008 1:50 AM by natasha_kefford201988 Star rating. 5 posts Send private message

I would like to apologies too, if I offended any member of this site but same thing as Gavin we saw people was judging the liffey bar and we reacted to give out our opinions and like I said everyone has an opinion and they should be herd out but me personally i think our debate went abit out of hand and got personal. I was not advertising the liffey just putting my opinion across. I’m sorry. It takes a lot for someone to realize they may have offended people and to apologize when they are in the wrong. (especial women cause were never wrong are we girls lol :O) ) well I have said sorry so let’s hope everything can be sorted now and this can go back to being a friendly discussion.
And the fiesta have started they started yesterday by cannons going off at 8am and waking me up lol and yes they are on till 7 of sept too. Maybe see some of you there. Take care and I am sorry once again. xx

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16 Aug 2008 2:13 AM by Star rating. 5 posts Send private message

We can't have music till 12 yet they can wake us all up at 8.00 am to let off fireworks or cannons or whatever they are. Also I hear the Candy Bar has live entertainment on Thursday night's and El Pantanico has live music outside on Friday's!!!! I guess they don't have a German living above them yet I fail to see how that is fair. Just because we have one resident who loves to complain, why we should be left with nothing?. Also I would like to address the lack of original ideas by the spanish bars next to us (except for 1 idea by maño's to get a wii) copying us with both getting internet and maño's doing english breakfast. I am all for healthy competition but copying is not that. Coming up with ideas that would bring them business , that didn't conflict with our ideas that we have in operation, is brilliant. 
There is not much more we can do to entertain the people until the ayuntamiento will let us have entertainment. I don't know if any of yous' were at our St. Patrick Day celebration, but that was a major sucess and enjoyed by everybody, ex-pat and Spanish, why can't we have even just 1 night of entertainment a week?? The German upstairs even cancelled our quiz on a Thursday. Every week the police came round and told us to shut it down. Furthermore, we have been robbed twice now. We have grills on the front windows and they robbed us the 2nd time that way. They pulled the grills off with a car ,or something, broke the window, stole 2 t.v's, cash register and a laptop and the police were not here in that time. Yet when 1 night I turned up the music loud they were here in 5 mins. Maybe it's me but I think it is a bit odd, don't  you think. Also Maño's has no grills and more expensive t.v's , a computerised till and a fruit machine (slot machine I don't know), and yet they are never touched. Maybe I'm being paranoid or a conspiracy theorist but I think there is discrimination going on. I know this nothing to do with this particular forum but I wanted you to have an insight to why I was angry. Sorry about that, once again. I would love some opinions, good or bad, on the matter. Thank you
                                                                                                                                                              Regards Gavin               

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16 Aug 2008 8:58 AM by Gypsy Star rating in south shields/formen.... 206 posts Send private message

Gypsy´s avatar
To Gavin Hughes.
As I said in previous posts we USED to come in your bar, but not now.
Anyway I just wanted to say that I agree with what you say on the bad 
luck and burglaries ect you have had as we used to come into your
bar at the time you had all of your bad luck. I agree with you also about
the german person, (must be a miserable individual). Hope that your
luck and business does pick up BUT I beleive this will happen if
and when your mam changes her attitude towards customers.
P.S. Re your mam this is my personal opinion only.



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16 Aug 2008 3:55 PM by natasha_kefford201988 Star rating. 5 posts Send private message

To Gypsy,
Thanks for the sympathy about the burgalries and that sad person above us. I think her name is Chantal and works in a place called Blondies or Blondes, it's a hairdressers. She is only in her 20's. It's so pathetic. I agree with you about my mother, that business would improve if she left but there is nothing I can do until she decides that she has had enough :)

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16 Aug 2008 5:00 PM by Irene&Alan Star rating in Formentera del Segur.... 700 posts Send private message

Irene&Alan´s avatar
Now let's hope all apologies accepted and everybody kisses and makes up!!!

Well done everyone - commas, full stops etc.

peace & love. Life's too short to be unhappy


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16 Aug 2008 5:00 PM by Irene&Alan Star rating in Formentera del Segur.... 700 posts Send private message

Irene&Alan´s avatar
Now let's hope all apologies accepted and everybody kisses and makes up!!!

Well done everyone - commas, full stops etc.

peace & love. Life's too short to be unhappy


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20 Aug 2008 6:46 PM by twinmummy Star rating in Formentera del segur.... 82 posts Send private message

Hi all, I live in Formentera, and it is a wonderful little village, close enough to walk to places without it all being too close.

I hear there will be a small Carrefour among other shops built at the end of the village and the work is well underway.
I rarley need to go out of the local area as the village has enough there for us. Another great thing about Formentera is that it is flat which is great for my pushing a pram and my mother who is disabled.

The only thing I can knock about Formentera is there are not a lot of people my age living here(that I know of), many people we have met all being lovely plesant people are from an older generation, I am 29 and my husband is 34 and although there is young Spanish people serving in bars, shops and resturaunts, that is as far as it goes, (professional basis).

So if any one in Formentera around our age would like to meet up for a drink in one of Formenteras many bars we would like too. (getting lonely without my friends and family who are all still in England).

The town square is very busy at this time of year and the Fiestas have just started,  Trasgu is one of my favorite bars here, very nice and friendly staff, always let on even if I am just walking through town. I do agree that if you try to mingle in with the Spanish people and attempt to speak to them they do like to help you learn new words as well, 

When we first arrived we was going to the Liffey bar (ok but a bit  dull and not much happening, menu good though pricey) all the time because we (well I) was affraid of making a fool of myself speaking spanish, I now enjoy being among the Spanish people and trying their language is a new challange every day, and so I am liking Formentera mor each week that passes.

bye for now

Please have a look at for anything metal.

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20 Aug 2008 7:36 PM by Patty_1 Star rating in Hertfordshire. UK. .... 1062 posts Send private message

 Hi Twinmummy, glad that you are settling in it must take time to get used to, it was a big step for all of you.  Are the twins enjoying it?  I am afraid a lot of the people there are a lot older, as some leave UK to make their pension go further much cheaper to live.  Plus warm weather which helps them.    But their is a few younger people that are living their but I will pm you with them,  it's a shame there is no mums and tots clubs like they have in UK                                                                                      You might have to wait till the twins start school which I believe is 3.                                                                                                              We like the trasgu very friendly and if I am stuck with the language I ask Theresa alias Matey for help.        The trouble is a lot of  people that live in the village do not have computers or laptops, but their is a few that do but all older people.                                Well take care will pm you.  Pat                                                   

This message was last edited by Pat and Roy on 8/20/2008.



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20 Aug 2008 8:14 PM by morerosado Star rating. 6927 posts Send private message

morerosado´s avatar
Hi Pat  Twinmummy was asking early July & someone said about a mums & tots every Tuesday morning in Quesada next door to the Don Carlos pub, at Amsteria. Maybe worth looking into.


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20 Aug 2008 8:25 PM by Patty_1 Star rating in Hertfordshire. UK. .... 1062 posts Send private message

Hi More, the thing is if twinmummy has no transport it is quite a long walk for her to get to Quesada especially pushing two babies, it's a shame their is nothing nearer    But their might be more investigation needed.   Pat



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20 Aug 2008 8:26 PM by morerosado Star rating. 6927 posts Send private message

morerosado´s avatar
I'm investigating, Pat, I'm on the case.


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21 Aug 2008 8:12 AM by sichez Star rating. 28 posts Send private message

hey Twinmummy, I agree with what you say re: Formentera. It's so convenient that it's nice & flat. We let our property to all ages, and once moremature folk have been out, they do appreciate that aspect!

When we first moved out, we were concerned that we might have a slight 'dependence' on Benijofar & Benimar because of the lack of shops, bars and general amenities. Now, however, that is so different, because of the way the village has developed and because we don't mind trying our Spanish! The icing on the cake, will be when the new development beside the BP garage is completed .. that will give the village such a boost!

As for ages of ex-pat neighbours, I though WE were the youngest (obviously not!) It's understandable that the ex-pat community in ANY Spanish area will be older than what you're used to, but it's not too bad. We just take people for who they are, not their age. (I just hope people judge me the same!)

Next time we're out there (TBC) we'll definitely give you a shout and "knock on" (we don't live too far from Sams Bar)

Take care

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21 Aug 2008 7:04 PM by alb Star rating. 182 posts Send private message


Nice little village !  But just too many apartments with most of them for sale or empty.  lots of bargain priced propertys up for grabs.

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23 Aug 2008 4:04 PM by sichez Star rating. 28 posts Send private message

Alb, you say "most" of the apartments are up for sale or empty ... are you for real?

It's no different whatsoever to ANY village or town in the entire coastal region of Spain.

Look around Torrevieja, Rojales, Quesada, Guaradamar, Villamartin, La Manga, Santa Pola, La Marina, Almoradi et al. 
For the foreseeable future, it's a sad fact if life, so get over it.

That is all.

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23 Aug 2008 6:13 PM by alb Star rating. 182 posts Send private message

Hi sichez

 i agree all those town and cities have the same problem , but you seem to forget that formentera is only a small village not a city,   In the last 3 years Formentera has been drowned with apartments and no houses so there is no choices for families .

Take  a short ride to Daya veja or Daya nueva and even Algorfa , villages of similar size you find choices.
  formentera council has gone for the greedy option of puting maximum units on each small plot of land,
Therefore creating a problem for themselves for the future of the village.

Sorry if i have offended you but this is only my opinion of the village.


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24 Aug 2008 12:51 PM by alb Star rating. 182 posts Send private message


     I have worked in housing for the past 36 years both private and social,    yes i am real and yes i have got over it.


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25 Aug 2008 12:56 PM by sichez Star rating. 28 posts Send private message

Alb, I fully take on board and respect your learned opinion.

There's a chance that I might be alone in this, but I quite like the fact that blocks of relatively low-level apartments are taking up the new parts of Formentera. As long as they don't reach Benidorm / Torrevieja heights and the architectual styles stay markedly different, I think it has an almost Parisian feel.

One the credit crunch is over and folk can afford to come over to their holiday home more often, the added number of people in the village will make it such a vibrant place. At the moment, with limited numbers of visitors / residents, there is almost too much to do in Formentera - so they might have to consider attractions to bring folk in from other towns & villages. (A bigger and better weekly market would be a good place to start!)

Going back to the "apartment versus villa" issue, I much prefer the look and style of Formentera to (say) La Marina or Benimar - which, personally, I find far too regimented and formulaic. However, that's only my opinion, which I hope you'll respect .. as I have yours.

Take care and enjoy the rest of your day.

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25 Aug 2008 3:16 PM by Gypsy Star rating in south shields/formen.... 206 posts Send private message

Gypsy´s avatar
I agree with everything you say SICHEZ about Formentera, It is
a lovely village and I also have an apartment in the village.
I would hate to have a place on one of them big urbanisations
like La Marina and Quitedad Quesada, but each to their own.



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