"I can see both sides of this."
Same here Sue, same here!
Which is why you will notice that I didn't comment on whether to breed dogs or not, and you will also notice that I help support stray and un-wanted dogs.
If... and that is a very, very big if... the Mrs and I have another dog, because our Tyler has left us with a huge hole in our hearts, then I must admit that we would first look to home a stray or un-wanted dog, as these dogs are the ones that need a loving home the most... in our opinion.
However, I can also see that responsible dog breeders offer pure breeds to mainly responsible owners. I say mainly, because our Tyler, who was a pure breed Rottweiler, at first was not given to a responsible owner...in fact I will go on record to state that his first owner was, and still is, and @r*****e, and should not be allowed to keep any animal as a pet! And that is the reason why Tyler came to us, because of an owner who was in immature, jumped up, little p**** who used to beat Tyler.
Mind you, saying all this, to us, Tyler was much, much more than a pet... he was one of the family.
So, I feel that one should continue to be allowed to responsibly breed dogs, but I would not do so myself as I have never done so, and thus would leave it to those who have such experience.
And I still stand by my earlier comments.