Help with mystery bank debit, please

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23 Apr 2010 12:00 AM by Rosa Fay Star rating in Edinburgh. 31 posts Send private message

Hello, everyone,

Can anyone help, please?  We have just had a mystery debit from our bank account and haven't a clue what it's for.  The reference is 'Mancomunidad de M.C.S.O.'

Any help gratefully appreciated.

Rosa Fay

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23 Apr 2010 10:48 AM by guslopez Star rating in Lorca, Murcia.. 744 posts Send private message

Is it the payment  for community charges ? That's what mancomunidad means.


Todos somos Lorca.

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23 Apr 2010 10:53 AM by Rosa Fay Star rating in Edinburgh. 31 posts Send private message

No, we pay our community charges quarterly.  Thanks anyway.

Rosa Fay

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23 Apr 2010 11:10 AM by Sanchez1 Star rating. 853 posts Send private message

I think it stands for Mancomunidad de Municipios de la Costa del Sol Occidental.  Not sure what it is, but it looks like it is some kind of association of Western Costa del Sol Councils.  I guess it's some kind of tax. Check with your local council.


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23 Apr 2010 11:12 AM by sharonw Star rating in Coin, Malaga. 281 posts Send private message

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Hi Rosa,

This seems to refer to a local government body, perhaps your town hall?






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23 Apr 2010 11:18 AM by sping Star rating in Stockport & Playa Go.... 148 posts Send private message

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The Google translation is; 'Commonwealth of MCSO

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23 Apr 2010 11:21 AM by Faro Star rating in London. 1139 posts Send private message

I have heard of this before down around Casares (CDS) and it's something to do with all these new communities needing to contribute to the new infrastructure - I think?

Rathar than being like a parent community I think it's controlled by Town Hall and each property needs to contrribute something small.

I recall a year ago meetings taking place in Casares where everyone home owner was invited .....

Where is your property?


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23 Apr 2010 11:23 AM by Rosa Fay Star rating in Edinburgh. 31 posts Send private message

Thanks to you all for the information.  They say only two things are certain in this life - death and taxes, especially taxes that we don't know anything about!

We'll attempt a query to the bank to clarify what this tax is - though I'm not holding my breath for a speedy reply - and hope that it's just a one-off, as you suggest, Faro. (We are at La Reserva de Marbella, by the way)



This message was last edited by Rosa Fay on 23/04/2010.

Rosa Fay

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23 Apr 2010 11:28 AM by Faro Star rating in London. 1139 posts Send private message

Might be a good idea to ask the President of your community as he will have been involved and probably attended meetings etc.


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23 Apr 2010 11:30 AM by ads Star rating. 4135 posts Send private message

Is this connected with the old "El Hacho" debate Faro where monies were requested illegally and a group of people took legal action against the request (based on non accountability of the organisation and suggestions of corruption?) Has the new mayor now re-evaluated the situation and set up a more transparent system where monies are required for improvements to local infrastructure?


This message was last edited by ads on 23/04/2010.

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23 Apr 2010 11:38 AM by Faro Star rating in London. 1139 posts Send private message

Ads - I have no idea! But you're probably on the right track and for sure it's going into someone's back pocket!

Rosa Fay - Please do come back and let us all know exactly what this is all about and what services you might get etc - ie a light or a sign on a roundabout probably?

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23 Apr 2010 5:08 PM by Rosa Fay Star rating in Edinburgh. 31 posts Send private message

Well, here's an update on the mystery.

I contacted our Presidente, as advised.  He has also been debited today and was pretty certain that it is a new ref. for water supplier Acosol.  This makes sense, as we haven't had a water debit yet this year.

I googled Mancomunidad de M.C.S.O. and there is a "Water" tab.  Bingo - straight to Acosol!

So, mystery solved, I think.  Many thanks to everyone for the help which was much appreciated.

Rosa Fay

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23 Apr 2010 5:40 PM by David W Star rating. 199 posts Send private message

David W´s avatar

So no trousering of extorted cash (this time)

No rip off , no fraud (this time)

No need to beat up on Spain again

Just a change of trading name/or company

Funny how everyone thought it had to be tax or a rip off!!

Very sad really



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23 Apr 2010 11:05 PM by BigAl Star rating. 86 posts Send private message

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David W - Thanks for your usual un-necessary and pointless comments

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26 Apr 2010 9:31 PM by David W Star rating. 199 posts Send private message

David W´s avatar

Having been out of the EOS loop for the weekend imagine the thrill of having such a necassary and pointed post being directly aimed at oneself!!

I posted that i thought it was sad that an everyday thread about a bank direct debit was within a dozen or so posts  deemed to be sinister and possibly corrupt

I still think it's sad that is so many peoples first thoughts

Thats just my opinion, un-necassary or pointless it maybe to some, but it's mine to post

Still i will sleep safe in the knowledge that my posts are being watched by Big Brother or do i mean BigAl?

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26 Apr 2010 9:58 PM by peteha Star rating. 110 posts Send private message



HI David W

Im with you.There are too many conspiracy theorists on this coast

the office for mancomunidad is about 5 minutes drive from this community

it also houses the office of Acosol their water supplier.

If you buy a place in Spain get involved.

ask your bank ask you community president or administrator

visit these offices they are most helpful

Stop believing all Spanish are here to rip you off.

you are just adding to the ignorance of those who love to run down Spain.

most of whom have been ripped off by their own countrymen.

over to you Norman


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13 May 2010 1:12 PM by geoffcornwell Star rating. 1 posts Send private message

I go along with the theory.  I am at Santa Maria Village, Elviria.  Likewise have not had a bill from Acosol for a while so fits in.  Might still have been nice if someone had told us though!


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13 May 2010 1:28 PM by Sanchez1 Star rating. 853 posts Send private message

I think this will be the first of many stealth tax increases in Spain in the coming years.  I'm glad the Spanish tax man won't be getting anything from me.


This message was last edited by Sanchez1 on 13/05/2010.


Read my blog: Spain Money Saving Tips and Offers 

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13 May 2010 2:50 PM by TechNoApe Star rating in Duquesa, Manilva. 1277 posts Send private message

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I believe your mystery Bank debit might be something similar to the following:

We received a letter from the Ayunatamiento de Manilva at the start of this year, which came supplied with our Water bill from Aquagest, stating:

Notificacion del alta en el padron y liquidacion provisional de la tasa por la prestacion del servicio de alcantarillado y saneamiento de aguas residuales del Ayuntamiento de Manilva.

Notice of registration in the census and provisional liquidation of the fee for the provision of sewerage and wastewater treatment Manilva Town Hall.

Vistos los Decretos de Alcaldia de fecha 3 de diciembre de 2009 y 11 de enero de 2010 y en virtud de lo dispuesto en el articulo 102 de la Ley 58/03 Geneal Tributaria se procede a practicar la liquidacion correspondiente al alta en el padron de la tasa por la prestacion del servicio de alcantarillado y saneamiento de aguas residuales, cuya entrada en vigor se produjo el 15 de abril de 2009 (BOP 14/04/09), junto a la liquidacion correspondiente al suministro de agua potable y otros servicios complementarios del 4 trimestre, en cuyo recibo se incluye.

Having regard to the Mayoral Decree dated December 3, 2009 and January 11, 2010 and pursuant to the provisions of Article 102 of the Tax Law 58/03 genealogy proceed to assessing the tax payable on discharge in the census of the fee for the provision of sewerage and wastewater treatment, which entered into force on April 15, 2009 (BOP 04/14/2009), along with the liquidation for the supply of drinking water and other complementary services 4 quarter, in which receipt is included.

En el recibo adjunto, constan la identificacion del obligado tributario, el lugar, plazo y forma en que debe ser satisfecha la deuda tributaria y los elementos determinantes de la cuantia tributaria de la tasa de alcantarillado y saneamiento de aguas residuales, diferenciandose una cuota fija por la disponibilidad del servicio, ya sea de uso domestico (3 €/mes) o industrial y obras (6 €/mes), y otra variable en funcion de la cantidad agua utilizada en la finca (0,30 €/m3, tomando como base los consumos totales registrados por el servicio municipal de abastecimiento de agua potable).

On the receipt attached, consist of the required tax identification, location, time and how they must be satisfied the tax debt and the determinants of the tax amount in the rate of sewage and wastewater treatment, differing by a fixed service availability, whether for domestic use (3 € / month) or industrial and works (6 € / month), and a variable function of the amount of water used on the farm (0.30 € / m3, building base total consumption registered by the municipal water supply).

Contra el acto de inclusion en el padron y la liquidacion de la tasa de alcantarillado y saneamiento de aguas residuales que consta en el recibo adjunto, solo podra interponerse recurso de reposicion en el plazo de un mes a contar desde el dia siguiente al de la recepcion de esta notificacion. Contra la resolucion del mismo podra interponerse recurso contencioso-administrativo en el plazo de dos meses desde el dia siguiente al de su notificacion. No obstante podra interponer cualquier otro recurso que estime conveniente.

Against the act of inclusion in the census and closure of the rate of sewage and wastewater treatment that consists in the receipt attached, just an appeal for rehearing within one month from the day following the reception of this notice. Against the decision of the same may be filed administrative appeal within two months from the day following its notification. Notwithstanding any other remedy may bring it deems appropriate.

En Manilva, a 13 de enero de 2010

El Secretario

(Delegacion de firmas por Decreto de 17/12/09)

In Manilva, to January 13, 2010

The Secretary

(Delegation of signatures by Decree of 12/17/2009)



Me, the Mrs and Rosie too! But we'll never, ever forget our Tyler!

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13 May 2010 2:58 PM by TechNoApe Star rating in Duquesa, Manilva. 1277 posts Send private message

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So, based on my post below, my Water bill was increased by 3€ per month from April last year, and I had to pay the extra for each month with my Water bill for the last quarter of last year.


An extra 3€ per month for the sewerage and water treatment.

Seems ok to me, considering we pay peanuts for the Water in the first place!

And this "Stealth Tax" as many will undoubtedly call it, will affect everyone who owns or rents property here in Manilva!

Personally, when you think about all the extra people who stay in the area during the year, especially the summer, and the amount of Water they use, and the amount of the resultant sewerage and treatment, I think it's a small amount to pay.


This message was last edited by TechNoApe on 13/05/2010.


Me, the Mrs and Rosie too! But we'll never, ever forget our Tyler!

We support AAA Abandoned Animals Marbella - Do you?

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