Rixxy, it's a special inaugural dinner with a lot of alcohol thrown in
. You do pay a small fortune for certain celebrations such as christmas lunch, New Year's Eve & obviously this. (We won't be indulging, unless Georgia takes us
Lunes, 11 de junio de 2007, a las 21.00h Monday, 11th June, 2007 at 9 p.m.
Restaurante JAIME
avinguda Cervantes, 22
Guardamar del Segura
Tfno: 966 725 482
Ofrecida por el chef del restaurante “Sal de Mar”, de Dénia, D. Vicente Patiño, premiado como restaurante revelación del año “Madrid Fusión 2007”
Offered by the chef of the “Sal de Mar” Restaurant in Denia, Mr. Vicente Patiño, “Madrid Fusion Revelation Restaurant of the Year 2007”
Cocktail de frutas cru Cocktail of raw fruits
Berberechos, yogur, cítricos cockles, yoghurt and citrus fruits
Langostino, ñora, ciruela, macadamias y celeri Guardamar big prawn, small sweet round pepper, macadamia nuts and celery
Gnocchi de queso, atún en salazón, jugo de caracoles picante Cheese gnocchi, salted tuna and hot snail juice.
Sepia, patatas y su gazpachuelo Cuttlefish, potatoes and gazpachuelo sauce
Pargo, algas y pepino a la brasa Porgy fish, algae and braised cucumber
Lomo de cerdo ibérico, pimiento y huevo frito Iberian pork chine, pepper and fried egg
Menjar blanc, canela, cítricos y ron “Menjar blanc” (white treat), cinnamon and rum.
Capuchino de turrón, lima, café Nougat capuchino, lime, coffee
Bodega Cellar
Dominio de la Vega brut nature
Principe de Salinas monastrell monastrel
Moscatel la Cigarrera muscatel
Precio Price: € 100