Your TV will be fine and would be fairly expensive to get a new one in Spain. Whilst prices are coming down, the pound to euro exchange rate means they are still relatively more expensive than UK. If you have built in digi tuner in your TV, it will work in Spain as well (you did say it was fairly new).
Would recommend anything you can bring with you to do so, including furniture. Wood is, for some reason, very expensive in Spain so well made items, even coffee tables, dressers, dining tables etc will save you a great deal. There are some good furniture stores in Spain but nothing like the big ones in UK which have offer after offer. Kitchen appliances are also quite expensive, even frying pans and kettles. So bringing stuff like toasters, coffee makers and the aforementioned pots and pans would be a good idea. Larger items, fridge/freezers, washing machines etc. are comparable in Spain with quite a good choice.
We took virtually everything for the house from UK. The cost of shipping would have been the cost of a decent living room suite in Spain so it is well worth it. Even rugs and bedding. Plus, take advantage of all the good offers in UK at the moment for outdoor furniture. Even sunbeds in Spain are very overpriced.