Constructive problems in your new home
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** EDITED - Advertising **
Possibly you would elaborate on the quick and inexpensive solutions available under Spanish law?
We have a problem in our property which is 2 years old, with rain water penitrating throught the outside walls from the roof (which has no gutter) along with other probblems the developer will not repair. I would also be interested in the 'quick and inexpensive solution' to claim a settlement, if you cvan explain this further
This character (Cosadelsol) would appear to be an ambulance chaser claiming to be an expert and touting for business.
If he was a regular contibutor giving good advice then fair enough.
I don't know of many "quick and inexpensive solutions available under Spanish law".
It's the slow and expensive solutions that keep all the lawyers in business.
I have asked him to elaborate let's see if he does?????
In the thread Legal Informtion Costadelsol signs his post as Luis Carbajo then our Maria de Castro posts & asks him
Luis... it is surprising to see you here. Are you the Luis Carbajo who used to work for Martinez- Echevarria? I do wish and hope your contributions will be for the best of EOS readers.
He didn't respond! EOS team deleted his post on this thread as he advertised.
This message was last edited by morerosado on 09/05/2010.
Of course there are quick and unexpensive ways. Each case is studied individually. I would need to know:
- If it is a problem involving all the owners
- Which is the development
-When did you buy
- If there are any reports from an architect or technician
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