As our particular way to celebrate Europe´s day tomorrow:
European enterpreneurs please write to us: we could help each other and show to politicians and european economists what the European Union really need to be: thefree area where people meet and project together. Persons, citizenship needs to experience that Europe exists.
As a way to show this to the Institutions and ( cannot deny it) with sincere worry about the situation of Spain, in terms of the apathy which is capturing enterpreneurs and the increasing fear of families due to the lack of dynamism of the work-field....
We want to launch today on a May saturday, a pilot-experience:
- We offer a one year free service for company stablishment ( full package: company set-up, auditing, accounts, taxes filing, website design, marketing tools and clients care programm and software). All this following the same route we have taken for our own company, and which is resulting at present moment to be right to create a solid one. You just need to tell us about your project, to be developed inSouth Spain and consisting on services for retired Uk people or Northern europeans.
We will set the specific rules of the contest by June the 13rd. In the meantime, please start sending to us your suggestions and ideas. We will aslo be posting about ours.
Let´s work together!

"Playa de Atlanterra, Zahara de los Atunes (Cadiz); by Luis López-Cortijo