Hi there another newbie thinking about walking the walk

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04 Jul 2010 12:00 AM by vntshuag Star rating. 1 posts Send private message

Hi there we are looking into the possiblility of moving to Spain. I am 49 years old married and soon to be made redundant from my job here in the UK. i will be looking for somewhere to rent long term possibly by the end of the year I have started to lern Spanish i am not nessesaraly looking for work we would like to chill for a while i will have a samll income from the uk that hopefully will get us by for a while, has anyone any advice, or things i should be checking first

many thanks


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05 Jul 2010 10:09 AM by Tumbit Star rating in Costa Blanca. 71 posts Send private message

Tumbit´s avatar

Rent before you buy ; Plan as much as you can, yet at the same time be flexible and prepared for things not going to plan ; Don't stop learning Spanish once you move here - this is when it starts ! ; Don't burn all your bridges with the UK until you are 100% certain that you wish to stay in the UK ; Keep a Bank account live in the UK.

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05 Jul 2010 11:56 AM by Baggies10 Star rating in Oxford then Castil D.... 7 posts Send private message

Hi Nigel/Susan,


My wife and i are about to take the plunge we now have a property on a 2 year rent to buy contract which really suits us as the monthly payments are only 400 euros.

Where are you thinking of moving to ?

I like your self will be looking for some form of employment to see us through.


Hope all goes well with your move.



Simon Emms-Clements Contact: wbasince1888@yahoo.co.uk

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05 Jul 2010 8:49 PM by Faro Star rating in London. 1139 posts Send private message

AREA - make sure you pick an area that is right for you in all seasons.

Do a lot of driving around and exploring before you buy.

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18 Jul 2010 1:48 PM by JazII Star rating in Mar Menor and UK. 132 posts Send private message

JazII´s avatar

Hi Nigel/Susan


Have you decided on any areas you'd like to investigate further as yet?


Do you want to live in an inland village where the predominant language is Spanish, near or by the coast or are you looking for an ex-pat urb.?


Also, Google Earth is very helpful for virtual tours of places (ok it's not 100% coverage, but it's not bad) ;-))


Whatever you decide, good luck.


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