The Comments |
So much written in EOS is unconnected with Spain & this is in General Chat so here goes.
We're all out for a freebie & I saw in the email I receive from Martin's moneysaving site that Yates is giving free cheeseburger & chips worth £7 (£7? hmmm, rather a lot for cheeseburger & chips!) if you register for email updates about their offers. I'm not really into cheeseburger & chips but, hey, it's FREE so I gave them my default email address & they sent me a voucher to print off. You give them your name, postcode, email address, DOB & tell them which is your local Yates. Then I gave them my husband's default email address so we have a voucher each for the next time we venture into town.
I thought it can't know if your printer has already printed off a voucher as I printed off TWO so, as we have other email addresses, I gave those & now we have two more vouchers.
The link, for anyone fancying a cheap drink .. they are around Wetherspoon's prices .. is Yates .. free cheeseburger & chips any day, ongoing offer.
If you don't receive Martin's emails they're very informative.

Yates? Is that a part of Yates Wine Lodges? Bit downmarket for you, I'd have thought More. Last time I went in one there was sawdust all over the floor. The barman told us it was last nights furniture! Of course, you could always go to MacD and get a beef(?)burger and chips for 1.99. No beer but they do a very good watered-down coke to go with it.
Actually, last time I went to a Yates (in Nottingham) the guy next to me vomited all over the floor next to the bar. His false teeth came out and he merely bent down to pick them up, washed them off in his beer and popped them back in his mouth. Not a place I've frequented much since then.
(Bet that's put you off burger and chips (or any food, come to that) for a wee while)
Trust you, Bob!
Hey, ours is ok, really! Huge comfy sofas to snuggle up in too
Dear All,
fantastic day at Leeds Castle concert.
12k or so enjoyed music, flypast plus and superb fireworks.
the weather behaved with almost all sun and less humidity.
_______________________ N. Sands
Dear All,
Is there really any good news in the UK???????
Not for those who get ripped off by the UK Government, which is full of corrupt MP's falsely claiming expenses and avoiding paying Capital Gains Tax!!!!!!!!
Whilst they encourage local councils to hike up council tax and yet at the same time diminish the services that they give!!!!!!
And as for the UK health system.... what health system!!!!!!
I'm so glad that I decided not to listen to good, sound advice from people I discussed my problems with on forums, and therefore decided not to complete on the 'rubbish build' off-plan property I decided to invest in!!!!!!
The UK is full of corrupt Judges, Solicitors, Bankers, Estate Agents, the UK is corrupt and the people can be trusted.
Sorry everyone... I seemed to have slipped into 'Hijack Thread' mode!
Complaining how I used to be ripped of when I used to live in the UK and unhappy with my life!
It's a terrible disease, but thankfully not to virulent, as it only affects about three of four people who live in the UK!
The symptoms start to show when people who are infected start to talk in a rational manner about how they were ripped of in Spain, but then as the disease spreads to the brain, they become irrational and then Hijack every thread on Spanish forums, such as this forum!
Those who are happy with their lot in Spain and/or the UK become very sympathetic during the early stages of those who have this affliction, however as the symptoms become worse, most people in both countries then start to completely ignore those who have the disease!
Back to the topic of this thread....
I suppose there is some really good news in the UK, and for me that is......
We don't live there anymore!!!! 
This message was last edited by TechNoApe on 04/07/2010.
Me, the Mrs and Rosie too! But we'll never, ever forget our Tyler!
We support AAA Abandoned Animals Marbella - Do you?
Maybe it all goes wrong when those who post good or bad news about any country do so in a defensive, inflammatory and competitive manner, which sadly results in a divisive society.
News should be factual so as to allow others the priviledge to make up their own minds. The good elements should be relished and where applicable act as a positive incentive for others to follow, and the bad elements should be courageously addressed, debated and eliminated wherever possible, no? 
Long live EOS to allow us the means to communicate both elements without fear of personal abuse....... but hopefully there's no harm in the occasional tongue in cheek tease. 
This message was last edited by ads on 04/07/2010.
The good news from the uk is that even thou we are being screwed to the wall in taxes and having all our services cut we still have enough money to fritter away on international developement.Even in the face of tough times we are such a generous nation sending our hard earned cash to help educate and feed others whilst our education system fails our children and some of our poor and ederly have to skip meals to pay fuel bills, rant over at least the sun is shining
Dear All,
Techno now appears to have lost it completely, nevertheless there was much in his ramblings that I am able to support.
BUT people are strange aren't they?????
We had a wonderful time at the Battle of Britain celebration concert where all 12k rose as one to cheer the spitfire's whirling and diving above us. Magnificent "togetherness" and the only hint of trouble despite the copious drinking was two chaps glaring at each other because their chairs had touched in the squash.
At the end all who had gathered needed to disburse all 12k, lots on foot but most in vehicles, they may have gathered over the day but leaving was together.
We were in the disabled car park but could not return over the "in" route for some reason and the exit chosen was a narrow gateway trying to cope with the hordes and their trolleys, some of which large enough to carry mountains of goodies, coming into the car park at the same time as the cars were trying to get out. Mayhem!
We oldies sat there patiently in our old but shiny car, probably the oldest non-vintage car there and watched in amazement at the seriously expensive new cars jousting to be first out, as a gate to a field it could be approached from 180 degrees so there were multiple streams pushing forward at once in near miss mode. There was a great deal of money at risk.
When finally out into the very narrow country lanes we were waved past by good natured pedestrians with their little coloured lights.
All are equal but some more so came to mind.
_______________________ N. Sands
Dear All
Glad that you enjoyed your day out Norman and that it was very civilised. I hate to say this, but could this be because something like Battle of Britain Day doesn't appeal to the lager louts?! On a lovely summer's day, the UK has a lot to offer. For me, the best thing about the UK is the fact that my three lovely children live there, and I do miss them.
We have also had a lovely day here in España, however I have submitted a post to the "Good news in Spain" thread rather than here, as I understand there are many different threads on EOS for many different subjects.
Sue Walker
Author of "Retiring the Ole Way", now available on Amazon
See my blog about our life in Spain:
Dear Sue,
thank you, I hate to go over the top but it was really wonderful and of course the weather made it and it has to be said "unusual" for UK weather.
you are right of course, the lager louts were absent.
I enjoyed your other post and of course wish you more of the good things to report there as factually as you do without spin that others can't resist.
I personally equate the forum bullies on here very much with the lager louts, they both have the cowardly streak of only picking on the weak and unfortunate victims.
Whilst I endorse More's attempt to civilise them I have no great hopes of her success, once a bully always a bully I think.
_______________________ N. Sands
OK, who opened the door & let Techno in? 
How refreshing to have a good news thread that despite mainly good news, allows all opinions and facts however good or bad, so that it doesn't drift in to a ''Stepford wives' thread. I think most people feel confident enough in the good things in the UK, not to feel threatened or 'highjacked' when somebody points out one of the bad points, or is any way critical of the UK.
Many people have a foot in each camp when it comes to Spain/UK, so it's good to see reality posts rather than opinions based on bias generalisations to justify a lifestyle choice such as living in Spain or the UK. If we keep threads 'real' then I feel they have 'real' value!!
"If we keep threads 'real' then I feel they have 'real' value!!"
Here, here!
Maybe we can then all agree to do so with all the threads on this forum!
And also that one only discusses the relevance in each topic and at the same time not degenerate into 'thread hijacking'.
Me, the Mrs and Rosie too! But we'll never, ever forget our Tyler!
We support AAA Abandoned Animals Marbella - Do you?
I can't remember a time when a thread started with one topic such as 'where can I buy furniture?', deviate into 'how do I transport my animals to Spain' then end up with 'why did England play like plonkers?'
Edited to add: Oooops, I hit the post button before I hit the smiley one! 
Oh, & we have glorious sunshine AGAIN here in the SW UK. This message was last edited by morerosado on 05/07/2010.
yes indeed. But If for instance on a ' good news in Spain' thread someone takes a pop at something from UK, which is quite common, then it's only fair to expect a reply to balance the point, or offer another opinion. I don't think that's highjacking, i'ts just replying with a not always 'good news' answer that isn't in that case about Spain. Same goes for any 'good news' or 'bad new' thread if we are to keep it open to opinion.
I agree!
That is a fair comment and is only to be expected on an open forum.
My first post in this thread was a tongue in cheek poke at those that do 'hijack' threads, and I believe everyone can see now what we mean.
Changing the subject slightly is one thing, posting something that is completely irrelevant and/or not based on ones own personal experience however should be avoided.
Me, the Mrs and Rosie too! But we'll never, ever forget our Tyler!
We support AAA Abandoned Animals Marbella - Do you?
Yes, It's a tricky one this. A positive post about Spain is often loaded with a negative UK comparison, or might be contrary to the personal experience of the reader. Any answer to that post that doesn't agree with the 'good news' is often seen as 'anti Spain' or not wanted 'bad news' or not relavent to a 'Good news in Spain' thread, so some who don't agree stay out, and the thread becomes a bit 'Stepford Wives'.
People are entitled to their opinions and debate, that is what an open forum is all about.
If the comments can be constructive in manner, even better.
However, there have been snide, abusive and down right rude comments, which are not welcome and shouldn't be tolerated.
Lastly, one shouldn't refer to another poster in a derogatory way.
If you agree to disagree, then fine, however all posters are speaking from there own experience and sometimes there own interpretation.
Back on topic, I here the weather is really nice in the UK, which will be good news in the UK for tourism!
Me, the Mrs and Rosie too! But we'll never, ever forget our Tyler!
We support AAA Abandoned Animals Marbella - Do you?
.......yes, amazing weather for the UK, been wearing shorts since the end of may. I was supposed to do a 120 mile cycle ride on Saturday, but the chap I was riding with got heat exhaustion after 70 miles, so we had to call it a day. Even the surface tarmac was melting on one small exposed country road. Grass going yellow'er by the day, but cloudy today, so waiting for summer to collapse pretty soon!!
TechNoApe - I totally agree with you about some comments being rude, insulting and derogative.
Nice to see this thread is far more friendly than some others! 
Its been a loverrrrllly day here in Lincoln... pity Ive been busy all day in my study doing work and havent been able to get out and enjoy the sunshine (can you get that SAD syndrome in summer months I wonder through the lack of sun??)