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20 Jul 2010 12:00 AM by cazzy Star rating in Inland Andalucia. 180 posts Send private message

We recently helped a 62 year old lady who was stuck in a van on a caravan site. She had no friends and was desperate. She needed somewhere else to live. We look after a rental property and part of this property is another house that is not used as it only has pedestrian access. There is another access but it is accross the patio of the rental unit. We told the lady that if she liked it she could rent it for 200 euros a month (including electric and water). The price was cheap as although the property was habitable it was scruffy. We could put her van in the yard but she would only be able to move it if the rental was unoccupied, and she would have to use the pedestrian access. She thought it was fantastic!! We made 3 return journeys of 300 km each, one to meet her, one to bring her over to see the property (she stayed with us for 2 nights) And one to take a friend over to bring her van over as she didn't want to drive it as it was late when we got here she stayed another night. We took her shopping and spent the day getting her sorted. She moved in on Monday last week after paying her rent. She asked for a reciept Not a problem. On saturday the police phoned us and called us out, she had called them and said we were holding her a prisoner. We opened the gates, but she refused to remove her vehicle (we said we would return her rent if she left) She said she could not go as she had to pack her van. The guadia said she was to leave at 10.00 on monday (yesterday) She refused to go. The police were called, but she still refused to leave. We gave her her money back in the pressence of the police. She has now been told she has to leave at 13.00 on wednesday. The police have told us that if she doesn't to cut her electric and water off, and go and denounce her, but this could take months!!!! Has anyone any advice? We know we have been stupid being taken in by her. We think she has a personality dissorder, and should be sectioned as she is completely mad!!

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20 Jul 2010 10:45 AM by JazII Star rating in Mar Menor and UK. 132 posts Send private message

JazII´s avatar



What a nightmare for you after you've been so kind to her.....she sounds like a nasty, ungrateful person I really do wish you the best in getting it sorted.

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20 Jul 2010 11:38 AM by stant Star rating in cardiff wales. 48 posts Send private message

bad news howp you sort it if you cant shoot her

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20 Jul 2010 12:04 PM by cazzy Star rating in Inland Andalucia. 180 posts Send private message

The trouble is we don't really know our rights. I guess if she leaves the property we can lock her out. It is 8km to the nearest shop, so I guess she will have to get food, although her van is locked in the house courtyard so it will be a long walk!!! Maybe she will just starve or die of thirst.

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20 Jul 2010 12:21 PM by stant Star rating in cardiff wales. 48 posts Send private message

i do howp you sort it out .as for me ive not found a place to rent yet  im not shore to continue painting and decorating or run a small shop i just need to get out their and have a good look .ps dont thinks its your fault she must just be a sad old git


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20 Jul 2010 12:25 PM by Rosa Fay Star rating in Edinburgh. 31 posts Send private message

Hi Cazzy,

You say you are "looking after" a rental property?  Are you actually the owner, or a keyholder/agent/tenant?  If you're not the owner, what does he/she say about this?

It seems to me that you need some proper legal advice here (which I realise is expensive).  Perhaps if Maria sees this, she could help.

Best wishes,


Rosa Fay

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20 Jul 2010 4:04 PM by maylin Star rating in Andalucia and Hertfo.... 71 posts Send private message


I was wondering if you could help yourself.

You must have some contacts who would know the answer.

The website, which you advertised with a link seems to suggest so. Unless it is posted wrongly.

Here's what it says:-




Your One stop site for everything to do with your house in Spain.

Property Maintenance, Sales, Letting, Cleaning, Decorating and Key Holding.

Holiday Rentals always available.

Contacts with Builders and other Professionals, Quotations, and
Project Management.



I do hope you sort it out soon it is a terrible situation for the owners


Good luck







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20 Jul 2010 4:55 PM by dartboy Star rating. 95 posts Send private message

unlock the gates drag her van out in to the street and when she comes to have a go, escort her from the premises and lock her out,remove her belongings and put them outside the gates

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20 Jul 2010 5:04 PM by stant Star rating in cardiff wales. 48 posts Send private message

right thats it we all meet up at cazzy.s place kill the witch have a good drink then push the van of a cliff. job done all back to normall

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20 Jul 2010 5:10 PM by normansands Star rating in Kent. 1277 posts Send private message

 Dear All,

is this real??????

you cannot kill to be kind, not even in Spain.




N. Sands

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20 Jul 2010 5:32 PM by kev2006n Star rating in Sussex and Playa Fla.... 344 posts Send private message

 I wouldn't mind renting the property for 200 Euros a month when she has gone. Perhaps you could do the laundry and supply me with a meal. I'd pay more for that! Kevin

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20 Jul 2010 5:47 PM by redsam79 Star rating in Los Pacos, Costa del.... 192 posts Send private message

I'll go to €250 if you throw in breakfast! Not sure if I want to be involved in the killing though.



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20 Jul 2010 6:34 PM by stant Star rating in cardiff wales. 48 posts Send private message

ok i will go to £250 amonth free fishing trips and i will help with all decorating and building jobs to .my wife whonts me to go and find a bigger house in spain for are famly so im going to spain on my own for a year

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20 Jul 2010 6:52 PM by 1962 Star rating in Iznalloz. 181 posts Send private message

I am shocked that people on here are advocating violence against a person they know nothing about even if was meant as a joke, maybe this lady is mentally sick and has nobody to help her, I know it does not sove the problem, but would it not be a good idea to try and find out if this lady has any family that will be able to help regards her mental state, maybe she should be taking medication and cannot get it for one reason or another, lthere must be a reason for the way she is.



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20 Jul 2010 7:36 PM by stant Star rating in cardiff wales. 48 posts Send private message

or maybe her real famly told her to leave as she peed them off to ?   or she killed all her famly and is now on the run  her self ?

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20 Jul 2010 9:57 PM by redsam79 Star rating in Los Pacos, Costa del.... 192 posts Send private message

Stant-a case for Inspector Clouseau?

1962-Cazzy posted looking for help and got some sensible advice and a few light hearted replies.

Advocating violence? You can't really be shocked, hardly the Italian mafia, unless stant is not telling us something!!



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21 Jul 2010 10:10 AM by stant Star rating in cardiff wales. 48 posts Send private message

am i ?   i just hate it when some one helps others and get treated like this . im just looking for a small place to rent in spain .but only get bad storys back from landlords and it i pissing me of  as the ones not paying rent are getting away with it and stoping people like me hard working and rent o pay from getting enny where .  

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21 Jul 2010 10:11 AM by stant Star rating in cardiff wales. 48 posts Send private message

am i ?   i just hate it when some one helps others and get treated like this . im just looking for a small place to rent in spain .but only get bad storys back from landlords and it i pissing me of  as the ones not paying rent are getting away with it and stoping people like me hard working and rent o pay from getting enny where .  

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21 Jul 2010 10:25 AM by cazzy Star rating in Inland Andalucia. 180 posts Send private message

I am shocked that people on here are advocating violence against a person they know nothing about even if was meant as a joke, maybe this lady is mentally sick and has nobody to help her, I know it does not sove the problem, but would it not be a good idea to try and find out if this lady has any family that will be able to help regards her mental state, maybe she should be taking medication and cannot get it for one reason or another, lthere must be a reason for the way she is.

I do think she is mentally ill, I told the Police this and that I think she needs a doctor but they are not interested. She has two children who have dissowned her I have tried to find the son on the internet but have had no luck. She has no friends (I guess she treats everyone badly). She is British but then lived in France for 20 years and now  has moved on to Spain where she has been for 2 years. She claims a British pension and tops it up with French benefits simular to pension credits, which I am sure she is not entitled to as she does not live in France. We have tried to reason with her as have the Police, we just can't believe that she is so evil after everything we have done for her. We have decided that we will never bother to help anyone again, which goes against our nature, but the stress is terrible!

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21 Jul 2010 11:54 AM by 1962 Star rating in Iznalloz. 181 posts Send private message

Hi cazzy,

I hope you find a solution sooner than later, good luck



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