The Comments |
Hi Kenny
I would imagine that there would be no time limit on how far back the taxman can go (here in the UK there is a 6 year limit - but that's only if there's been full disclosure).
You are liable for every year that you've owned the property (plus Wealth Tax - up to a couple of years ago)
You will be fined.
Contact John at for some free, up to date advice.
To reipdj
Hi Peter,Thank you for your reply.Are you saying that the other website have got it wrong? It still seems rather a lot
Hi Pegeen
Yep! They've got it wrong.
The tax is worked out on your Valor Catastral (as shown on your most recent IBI receipt), not the actual value of your property, or what you paid for it - although purchase price can be used in some cases.
Hi Peter,
Bad news indeed!
Do you think if I declared this year they would check up on previous years or not?
I was hoping to get onto the system and start afresh without hassle about previous years.
Also, do you have any idea about fines? How much etc.
Sorry Peter,
Forgot to ask how wealth tax is calculated.
Do you have any idea?
Hi Kenny
I don't think that you'll get away with not paying for previous years, there is a record of when you first purchased your property.
The fines, I think, range from 10% to 20%
The wealth tax was payable on all your assets in Spain. It used to be 0.2% on properties up to 167000€
Please don't forget, that if ever you sell your property, you will need to show that all taxes, including Wealth & Rematl taxes, plus of course IBI have been paid.
It is better to pay now, even if it is late, than to wait for the tax man to catch and fine you or run into a problem if you sell.
One off fee to pay your own La Renta tax (210 Form)
Check out my website:
My tax administration charges a reasonable sum to calculate, complete the form and make the payment.
For a single owner/property around 35 Euro. My solicitor wanted $200 to do the same task !
PM me for further details.
I had a pm from P Milsom
Maybe others have to?
This is my reply to his pm advertising his service:
If you read my posts, you will see that I pay my own taxes
I sell a Guide, one off fee, to enable people to pay their own taxes.
I would not be interested in your advert thank you
Have you sent pm's to all the people asking tax questions?
If you have, that is advertising which is not allowed on EOS
One off fee to pay your own La Renta tax (210 Form)
Check out my website:
Is my tax that I pay this year based on 2009 IBI figure or the catastrol value on 2010 IBI figure. Sorry to sound stupid but not sure. Have already paid IBI bill last Oct and have it receipted in bank book but not sure where the document is. This years bill will probably be there when I go to spain again in Oct, I intend to try and do and pay tax then. My solicitor has just contacted me to say she has worked it out for me and my bill is £398, I dont want to pay this as it doesnt look difficult to do. I just need to get the figures from somewhere, is there any other way to get the figures to put on form? My solicitor has the figures sent to her but I dont think she will give them once she knows I intend to do it myself.
Thanks for any information you can supply.
Hi Curious
If you are paying this year, you will be paying for 2009's taxes (all paid in arrears annually), so you must use the Catastral value from your 2009 IBI bill.
If you paid this via your bank by DD, and have online banking, you can open the full bill and see the Catastral Value, or check the paper bill if you have it.
Your Solicitor should not withold any information regarding your property, it is your right to be given figures, so just ask!
Good luck............
One off fee to pay your own La Renta tax (210 Form)
Check out my website:
Thanks Fibby I thought this was the case. I paid it cash but not sure where i put paperwork. Will see if my solicitor will give me information.
To Fibby - I disagree with the comment that Valor Catastral is never higher than the figure paid for a property. It would depend when a property was purchased and where abouts it is - many areas have revised the Valor Catastral by significant amounts in the last couple of years. The Valor Catastral is actually based on the value of the land per metre squared, plus the value of building put onto the land. Price paid does not necessarily correlate to Valor Catastral in any way.
For a very simple, economical way to pay your non resident taxes have a look at our website link in the signature here. We have many happy customers who have saved the expense of yearly fiscal fees and now pay their own non resident tax bills.
This message was last edited by leswill on 13/09/2010.
You are right that they can charge what they like for completing these forms...I was never asked by my solicitor they just sent me an email to say that they were doing this on my behalf could I send then a payment for 430 this was my first year of owning a property i wasnt sure what it related to but they kept on saying there was a 20% fine imposed if not paid in time...I eventually got a split from them as to what was tax and what was their fee....118 euro tax(only relates to part of a year) their fee 312euros...
If you paying a solicitor then I would suggest no more than EUR150 incl VAT and that's only if you feel there is an element of fiscal/legal representation - ie you can call/email the odd time during the year without being charged.
Otherwise use a gestoria or one of the online no frills service providers ..... or DIY.
Do we have a good online guide available or will I draft one to help all the dIYers - or if someone can point to a thread with details etc
And for those thinking about filing themselves don't worry the penalty for late payment will be minimal and you will in any event save the high legal fees!
I've just seen this forum and am now scared to death about what I might owe. I - like a previous contributor - had no idea that I had to pay tax and nor have I ever had any communication about it even though I pay local taxes. My house is in Jaen province, does anybody have any idea who I contact to establish what I owe - I have had the house since July 2005 so clearly owe a lot of back tax :-( Clearly I don't have a solicitor - do I need one?
Thanks for any help anybody can give.
Hello Deborah I can calculate your non resident tax payable to bring you up to date and produce the forms for you. Follow the link to my website in my signature below this post for more info about non resident tax. It is not too late to sort out your problem and you do not need a solicitor.
Hi Deborah 1959, don't panic!
You can pay your own taxes.
You don't have to pay anyone each year, year in, year out, pay your own, it's really easy!
Once you have done it once, with my free help, you can do it every year, no more fees!
That's what I did in the beginning.......... panicked!
But I was sure I could do it myself and did!
Now, I help others to do it themselves, with no ongoing annual fees.
Get in touch with me if I can help you.
One off fee to pay your own La Renta tax (210 Form)
Check out my website:
The 'regulars' on here will know by now that filling in the non resident tax form once you have got together all the necessary details is a fairly simple process, especially since it changed to the modelo 210. There are several free info sheets available on how to do this. However not everybody feels up to this and there are other factors to take into account. The more difficult parts are things such as checking whether the initial tax office registration has been made (you cannot pay the tax until this has been done), and completing the registration paperwork if necessary. Knowing where to find the Valor Catastral and what figure to use to calculate the non resident tax in the absence of a Valor Catastral. Obtaining stickers and even returning the form to the tax office if the bank tell you they do not have envelopes. All these things are included in our cheap, simple service to non residents - an alternative to hefty fiscal fees.
The Non Resident tax is a problem, the Sumo office office told us that the Non Resident Tax is not due until you have a Habitation Certificate yet several owners are paying this through their lawyers. Who knows what is correct. All the lawyers used by the owners failed to inform us of the problems with the Builder??, Do the local councils & the Sumo office talk to one another NO.
How can the Spanish Tax office send out any forms to Non Residents if they have no official address. Our Complex was signed off by the Builder/architect in 2008 yet we are still waiting for major work to be completed. The Saga goes on.
Our builder has ceased trading and left several jobs unfinished. The complex is only one third sold to private owners by the builder, the Cam bank owns a third & the builder rents out on a rent to buy scheme to a few nationals. The Builder & the Cam bank have yet to pay any community fees and the owners are at present subsidising all the Rent to Buy & renters by paying the €60 a month which covers their utility costs etc. The owners who are paid up have also provided extra funds to get some of the work started but the local council are not playing ball & prevent the work being done.
Our Administrator who was employed by the Builder in March 2008, has failed as yet to get any back dated debts from these non payers. The debts owed to our community are near €100,000 which is why we are unable to get much of the work completed that the builder failed to completed.
_______________________ DoeDoe