The Comments |
I'm really really really not an employee or shareholder of Barclays but I have to say I've never paid any transaction charge etc to them in Spain. I've had accounts with Citibank and Santander who wanted to charge me for receiving cash, which I found unacceptable and are now cancelled, but never been charged one cent by Barclays.
Having said nice things about them twice they'll probably screw something up. But currently they're performing a good deal better than their UK counterparts.
_______________________ Don't argue with an idiot, he will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.
Yes I know what you mean Richard you do not want to tempt fate.
We are with Barclays nearly a year know and have never been charged, in fact interest going in albeit not a lot but a few euro's at a time. But better than charges. Also I sent s sterling cheque to them and they put that into my account and it was not a bad rate. We are with Barclays in the UK though.
The trouble is you never know if they might get on the bandwaggon as well.
Hi All
I have been a Halifax Banco customer since 2005, suddenly they are charging me for sending money over to my account, they charged me 18 euros, its the minimum they charge, even if you send over £10...
I called them and this was there reply via email
The charge to your account for 18€ is the fee for an International transfer, we charge 0.35% (minimum of 18€) unless the funds are going to a Halifax or Bank of Scotland account in which case it would be free.
They told me that all banks are charging this, well thats a lie as DEUTSCHE BANK Spain do not charge me a cent for international transfer, so Halifax advised send money over to them, then transfer from them to Halifax account, so i started to do this, DEUTSCHE BANK charge me 1.54 euro..
Well i just logged onto Halifax account and another 18 euro charge has come out - see below
Operation Date |
06/10/2010 |
Int. Accrual Date |
06/10/2010 |
Amount |
-18 |
I have not sent a cent to them since last charge expect from Spain to Spain and as you can see NO info on what charge is about, to say in livid is an understatement..
Im chasing this up tomorrow and will let you know the outcome, if no joy im closing my account and sticking to Deutsche Bank.
HI all, I'm new here, hoping to spend 3 months in Spain over the winter with a view to staying if I can establish my business. Any advice on banking very welcome; I'm with HSBC in the UK and want to keep the account if I can, but pay in from Spain . HSBC don't seem keen to help with how, so looks like I might need a Spanish account as a non-resident or temporary resident or whatever, and one which doesn't charge for transferring to HSBC. Anyone recommend anything?
Hi Janet
Best if you use a UK bank that has branches in Spain, then no charge for transfers, I.e Barclays, Lloyds, Halifax
Thanks Rob, I'll look into those. By the by, HSBC deigned to reply today after 11 days (the promise is 24 hours or next working day) and say they work with Solbank in Spain so to contact them, whether or not there are charges I'll wait to find out!
Best of luck with your own banking issues!!
Thanks Sanchez, will have a look at your blog sometime too.
I sent a mail to 4 people at Halifax today. so expected at least one reply but nothing, there a joke, i try to deal direct with my Marbella Branch and its so annoying.
I will close my account and pay my mortgage via my other bank...
I have had perennial problems with Halifax in the UK, largely due to the inefficiency and poor training of their telephone call centre staff - particularly annoying since they always start by telling you your call may be recorded "for training purposes" ; they must have a wealth of material from our conversations by now. SKYPE offers a nice little ad-on that allows you to record calls, so now I warn them everytime that I will be recording the conversation "for their training needs"! However, last year I managed to correspond by e-mail directly with a so-called manager, so when things got cocked up again this year, I sent a polite e-mail requesting assistance, only to receive this reply: A change of policy has been introduced by LBG which now prohibts me from corresponding via email. For future information, please call the telephone servicing line and they will be pleased to help you.

I had cause to call Barclays in the UK recently, too. My first attempt left me on hold listening to infuriating muzak for a full 45 minutes.
Banks everywhere nowadays seem to have a despicable attitude towards their customers. And people complain about budget airlines!
This message was last edited by Roberto on 12/10/2010.
"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"
Mark Twain
I agree
I have an Buildings Insuranc Policy linked to my Halifax mortgage, when i said i want to get my own insurance the reply was it has to meet our criteria, ok, can i have that, No reply...
Then i claim for water dammage and leaks as im 100% covered with Zurich via Halifax, after chasing them for 1500 euors for 10 months, Zurich via halifax said sorry building defects, so i told Halifax im not paying for that same insurance if i can't claim, Halifax again didnt care, i guess they get huge backhanders from Zurich, some of my neighbours have damage 10 x dearer than me, so god help them getting any help..
Same with my contents, UK company, fully covered, then sorry no payout, you have long tern tenants, ok but policy said im covered, reply, no, you let them stay there...cancelled that policy
Basically were all being screwed but banks, insurance companies, Endesa etc etc etc
Maybe we should start something like a citizen's bank.....guess that's no help for insurance though, sounds like you guys have had problems - must admit I have to shout at HSBC from time to time but if they are not in Spain and I am looks like I have to find a bank which needs shouting at less frequently, could be hard from what you have said. Hope you get sorted out, it all sounds really frustrating. My friend founded a group to complain about this sort of thing, but I think it would need to be huge to have any clout with these massive institutions - that's how they get away with it, because they can afford to upset little people and they have such a big share in the market and there is no real contrast to their greed and inefficiency. Ok rant over for now.
Hi All,
Slightly off track, but I thought it would be interesting to explain the differences with particular banks in Spain - i.e. the "bancos" and "Caja's" (in very broad terms). I'll also explain how I find it easier to transfer money through a specialist currency services, rather than relying on British banks with Spanish branches (i.e. Halifax, Barclays, Lloyds).
There are fundamentally 2 types of banks in Spain, the first are the "Bancos" and the second are the "Cajas"; I sight, Banco Santander and Banco Popular as 2 of the former and Bancaja, La Caixa and Cajamurcia as three of the latter.
The Bancos are similar to the likes of Barclays and NatWest on the High Streets of England & Wales; the Clydesdale Bank for the Scots amongst us and the Ulster Bank and Bank of Ireland, both seen North and South of the Irish Border. Whereas, the Cajas are aligned to what we used to affectionately know as the regional Trustee Savings Banks throughout the whole of the British Isles.
Therefore, generally accounts with the Cajas arc cheaper to operate than accounts with the Bancos. Remember too, charges here vary a great deal between individual Banks and so it is always worth checking them carefully, before settling down to one particular Banco or Caja.
I'm currently with Bancaja and not only do I find their customer service brilliant, they always have an english speaking staff member in their branches - that said, I'm not sure how many branches there are throughout Spain (they seem to be quite popular in Murcia, Valencia, Cartagena, etc). I then use a specialist currencies company (Currency Direct) to transfer monthly increments from my Santander (British) account into my Spanish Bancaja.
Hi .
I have had a non-resident current and savings account with Cajamar for the last 4 years and have never paid a penny in fees. I recently had to open an account with Banco Popular because the mortgage rates were much cheaper, but then I found out the account has a fee of 6 euros a month and there is nothing I can do about it as the mortgage has already been arranged.
Cajamar is a regional bank (head office in Almeria, branches mainly in Andalusia), but if there is one in your area, I would definately suggest enquiring with them. I have found at least one person speaks English in 99% of the branches I have used, the one time they didnt understand me, they phoned my branch and I spoke to someone there who translated for me.
I hope this reply doesnt reach you too late, and if it has, I hope you got what you needed from whatever bank you decided to go with.
Good Luck,
_______________________ Louise
I have had a bank account in spain for 12 mths with barclays in puerto mazzarron just up from the harbour, they all spaek english i pay no fees i also get money back when my community fees and utillitiy bills are paid, i can use other banks cash points fee free, i would reeccomend them i suppose its a personal thing
I have been with BANCAJA for the last 6 years here on the CdeSOL.
They handle all my daily business, my only cost has been 8 euros a year for my debit card.
They speek English and give a good service.
_______________________ If lucky, there is another day.
The only advice I can offer is to avoid Cambank. Their customer service is appalling .