With my 4.0 litre Jeep Wrangler I must admit the current price hikes are very 'ouch' in nature! 
Having said that it's still cheaper to run than my BMW 2.5 litre Auto was, because just like Justin's Coche, it had a strict diet of 98 ron.
Oh well! You know what this means... more 'shopping runs' to Gib (there is now a huge grin on Mrs Technoapes face!) and fill up there.
Which makes me think that the border with Gib is going to get even more busier than it is now! 
But it is still so much fun to drive around in my Jeep (not to mention she turns heads).... and even with doom and gloom over further petrol price hikes....
You still need some fun in life!
So.... Ya boo sucks to you the fatman and the oil cartels.... I'm keeping me gas guzzling, grizzly bear of a motor! 
P.S. What are you feeding your mice in Torremolinos?
This message was last edited by TechNoApe on 10/03/2011.