Polaris old building
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Hello Everyone
I may have missed this conversation and apology if I have so perhaps some one could remind me of the situation with the old Polaris building, which appears to be locked up and of no use to anyone.
Why can't they use that building for the Golf Club House?
Jardin 1
_______________________ Deb Taylor
Hi Deb
As you know the building on the ring rd. was used as the sales centre which has now moved up to Al Kasar.
Polaris as usual have their head in the sand, instead of monopolising their assets they appear to have no interest in enhancing what was their 'flag ship' resort and are happy let the building fall into disrepair.
Who knows how their minds work, you only have to look in Al Kasar at all the empty units, there must some way of kick starting and revitalising the facilities we already have.
Full marks to the various groups, who are floating ideas on re-opening the old sports centre / supermarket / cafe / site
www.condadoelectricalservices.com condadoes@live.co.uk
tel.605 832 795
Just as I thought then, what a waste. We could have had our meetings in there instead of filling some one elses pocket for hiring of conference rooms etc and bars
As a community are we entitled to any financial help in the way of grants from local authorites etc. If we are entitled to some funds that may bring a project through. I understand that grants and funding is very awkward for everyone at the moment but maybe there is a pocket of money for some community use that has not been tapped into yet.
I apologise if someone has already been down this route and exhausted this area, but unless I ask then I will never know
Jardine 1
_______________________ Deb Taylor
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